Why were the French interested in controlling the land in the Ohio River Valley?
Support the fur trade/fertile land for farming
Popular saying amongst the colonists ($$$)
No Taxation without representation!
2 main sides in the Revolutionary war
Colonists and British
Group of people supporting independence (did not like the kings laws)
Date the Declaration was written
July 4, 1776
Which future US president began his military career in this War?
George Washington
Tax on paper goods, playing cards, newspapers, books, etc. (1765)
The Stamp Act
Battle that marked the start of the war
Lexington and Concord
Act that made colonists house soldiers
The Quartering Act
Author of the Declaration
Thomas Jefferson
What does King George III do to set the boundary of the colonies?
Proclamation of 1763
Led to the first official death of the American Revolution
Boston Massacre
Turning point of the war (encouraged European countries to join)
Battle of Saratoga
Meeting of 13 colonies that resulted in a unified response to the Intolerable acts. Colonies agreed to support Massachusetts, boycott British products, and establish militias.
First Continental Congress
Define "unalienable" rights
"Natural" rights that cannot be given or taken away
The Proclamation of 1763 said that colonists could not move _______ of the ________ Mountains.
West of the Appalachian Mtns.
Lowered taxes on tea, but gave exclusive rights to sell tea to the British East India Company. This later resulted in the Boston Tea Party
Tea Act of 1773
Final Battle of the revolutionary war
Battle of Yorktown
Ended both the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War
(One is in 1763, the other is 1783)
Treaty of Paris
What 3 natural rights does the Declaration say all people have?
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
How did the French and Indian War increase conflict between colonists and Britain?
Colonists did not like the Proclamation of 1763
War debt results in taxes on the colonies
Set of acts punishing the colonists for the Boston Tea Party
Intolerable "Coercive" Acts
What countries sides with the colonists during the Revolutionary War?
Spain, Netherlands, France
What are "unalienable" rights?
Natural Rights
Which continental congress was the declaration of independence introduced at?
2nd Continental Congress