Why does God love all people?
All people are made in God's image.
In what city were believers first called Christians?
Who is the perfect Prophet through whom God has spoken?
What is faith?
Being sure that what we hope for will happen
What did God tell Cornelius in his vision?
Who did the scattered believers share the gospel with?
Only the Jews
How did God speak to people long ago?
Through prophets
What trait tied all the Old Testament heroes together?
Their faith
What did God show to Peter through a vision?
A sheet in which many animals, including unclean animals, were sitting
Where did Peter and Barnabas share the gospel?
Peter and Barnabas traveled all around sharing the gospel.
How is Jesus a better high priest?
He lived as a human, but never sinned.
How can we have faith like the people within the story?
By trusting God, obeying Him, and believing His promises.
What did Peter's visions mean?
That God wanted the gospel to be preached to Gentiles/everyone.
How did the Jewish believers react after Peter explained what happened with Cornelius?
They glorified God and understood that Gentiles could be saved by faith too.
What happened to the first covenant that God gave through Moses?
The first covenant has been replaced by a second, better covenant through Jesus.
Why is faith important?
Without faith, it is impossible to please God
What is the Gospel?
The good news that God sent his son, Jesus, into the world to rescue sinners.
With whom should we share the good news of Jesus?
The gospel is good news that is meant to be shared with everyone.
How does God speak to us?
God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible.
What does this section teach us about God?
That God keeps His promises and rewards those who have faith in Him.