RL/RI 8.6:
Author's Purpose
RL/RI 8.5:
Text Structure(s)
RL/RI 8.4:
Figurative Language
RL/RI 8.4:
RL/RI 8.1:

the reason an author decides to write about a specific topic.

What is author's purpose?


An author uses _____ to tell about the life of Cassius Clay.

What is Chronological Order?


I am dying of shame is an example of...

What is Hyperbole?


The author uses word choice to engage the reader's emotions

What is Tone?


Using background information to make an assumption.

What is inference?


Do you want to be an artist? Just enroll in "The Awesome Artists" program. Don't let this opportunity or your talent slip away. We guarantee you will be painting like the masters in two weeks for a low cost of $59.95.

What is Persuade?


This text structure is most commonly used in a courtroom, during a trial.

What is Problem and Solution?


Used in figurative language to make a text or passage "colorful" and creative

What is details?


The reader's emotional response to the author's choice of words and phrases in the text?

What is Mood?

Joe was very tired when he got home from school. He decided to take a nap. When he woke up the sun was shining. He could hear roosters crowing and smelled bacon cooking in the kitchen. He walked slowly into the kitchen and asked his mother, "What time is it?"
What time did he wake up?

What is morning?


The Food Group Pyramid tells how to eat healthy. It shows how food is divided into six groups. It is important to eat foods that belong to each group every day. The pyramid helps show how much of each you should eat.

What is Inform?


The Revolutionary War was a time of great division. Americans were split into two groups: Patriots and Loyalists. Patriots were Americans who supported the struggle for independence. They believed that Americans should be free from the control of an English king. They fought against the English to establish a new government in America. Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to the crown. Some of them were happy under English rule. Others believed that they might be rewarded after the Americans lost the war. Though both Patriots and Loyalists lived in America, a deep division ran between them.

What is Compare and Contrast?


They are also the only cat that cannot retract their own claws, an adaptation to help maintain traction like a football player's cleats.

What is Simile?


______ between characters in a narrative is an example of mood and tone in a text.

What is Dialogue?


Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. 

What can be inferred about Lisa's character?

What is Curious? 

Lisa is a curious individual.


A politician's speech about housing authority in low-income areas.

What is Inform?


American soldiers during the Revolutionary War suffered horrible conditions to win independence. You can experience some of these conditions by eating the same food that soldiers ate at Valley Forge: fire cake. Fire cake is a horrible tasting blob of burnt gluten. To make some first mix flour with water until you get thick, damp dough. Then, form it into a cake and in your palms. Put this doughy lump on a greased cookie sheet and bake it until it is brown. This will be very similar to the awful fire cakes that American soldiers ate at Valley Forge. Enjoy!

What is Sequence?


"That night from a dingy hotel room, I saw the moon, like a golden gong, Redly loom Across the lake;"

...is an example of ______.


What is simile?


The mood conveyed from this passage:

The year is 2020. You've just graduated from a highly-ranked virtual university. You had the opportunity to take e-learning classes from great professors and world leaders in government and business. It's cool to be smart—and even cooler to really understand technology. Almost all the good jobs today involve science, engineering, and technology. And there is such a demand for workers with your skills that you can choose from thousands of jobs. Many of these jobs have high starting salaries and perks like your own pet robot, a new convertible astromobile, or monthly online shopping allowances.

What is confidence?


Terrence is camping alone. It is dry and windy out. He falls asleep in his sleeping bag near the blazing campfire. 

What is the best inference you could make?.

A. There will be a hurricane. 

B. An animal will leap into the flames.

C. Someone will stop by.

D. A fire will spread.

What is "A fire may spread."


A teacher informs the class about their pretentious behavior towards their peers.

What is persuade?


There were many important battles in the Revolutionary War, but perhaps none were more important than the Battles of Saratoga. The results of the Battles of Saratoga shifted the momentum of the war toward the Americans. Though they had previously lost numerous battles, the Americans captured British General Burgoyne’s army during the Battles of Saratoga. This victory convinced other countries, especially France, that the Americans could win the war. Because of this, not only did France declare war on England, but other nations also began openly supporting the American fight for independence. The Battles of Saratoga will be remembered as a pivotal moment in this fight.

What is Cause and Effect?


"I am glad for my heart whose gates apart Are the entrance-place of wonders, "

is an example of _____.

What is metaphor?


The Mood of this passage is:

The footsteps were coming closer. I knew I had to get out of there fast. Looking desperately around, I finally spotted a small window at the end of the room, a beacon of light in the dark, rancid basement. I sprinted and leapt up to grab a ceiling pipe. Thankfully, the pipe was close enough to the window to allow me to swing my body through. My enemy was making his way down the hall, bursting open door after door. I needed to break through this window in two tries to make it out in time.

What is daring?


Ben is auditioning for a part in the school play. He's been fine all day, but right before the audition he says he feels aloof. 

You might infer that Ben ________.

What is "Ben is nervous about the audition."
