If 2 x 3 = 6, then 20 x 3 = ?
72 divided by 9.
True or false.
4 x 7 = 2 x 14
This is true.
4 x 7 = 28
2 x 14 = 28
You cut 4 in half to get 2 and double 7 to get 14.
35 divided by 4. What is the remainder?
17 x 8
If 30 x 5 = 150, what does 30 x 50 = ?
117 divided by 9.
True or false.
15 x 4 = 30 x 2
This is true.
15 x 4 and 30 x 2 = 60
You double 15 to get 30 and cut 4 in half to get 2.
62 divided by 4. What is the remainder?
39 x 4
If 400 x 5 = 2,000, what does 400 x 50 = ?
348 divided by 6.
Write a balance equation where you double one number and half the other number to make this equation true.
3 x 8 = ____ x _____
6 x 4
There are 18 students in a class heading to Hale Reservation. The vans fit 7 kids each. How many vans should come to bring the students?
3 vans total
You need to add 1 more fan for the 4 kids left over.
15 x 25
True or false. 300 x 90 = 2,700
False. It equals 27,000.
689 divided by 13.
Which equation is NOT true... use doubling and halving to find out.
40 x 10 = 80 x 5
50 x 3 = 25 x 6
18 x 2 = 9 x 1
18 x 2 = 9 x 1
The teacher has 37 smelly erasers. He has 12 students in his class. How many smell erasers can each student get so that they are shared equally?
Each student can get 3 erasers. You ignore the 1 left over.
23 x 28
8,000 x 50 = ?
1,675 divided by 25.
Which equation IS true...use doubling and halving to find out.
4 x 5 = 8 x 10
9 x 14 = 18 x 7
6 x 7 = 12 x 14
9 x 14 = 18 x 7 is true
9 doubled is 18
14 halved is 7
They both equal 126
4 kids made $30 at their lemonade stand. How much money will each kid get when they split up their earnings?
4 x 7 = 28 + 2 more dollars
2 dollars split up 4 ways - each kid can get 50 cents.
There were 75 boxes of markers. Each box had 12 markers in each box. How many markers were there in all?