
Firefighters are often required to walk through local buildings and drive trucks around the areas they serve as part of their training. The most likely purpose of this type of training is to develop

A. a cognitive map

B. a prototype

C. an algorithm

D. a mental set

E. functional fixedness

a cognitive map


Studies of learning have shown that animals develop an aversion for tastes associated with

A. electric shock

B. extinguished associations

C. sickness

D. novel stimuli

E. starvation

C. sickness


The theorist who conducted pioneering research on latent learning and cognitive maps was

A. Albert Bandura

B. Martin Seligman

C. Edward Tolman

D. B. F. Skinner

E. Ivan Pavlov

C. Edward Tolman


Madeline wants her son to be well-behaved when they go to church. For every five minutes he sits still, she gives him a piece of candy. What type of learning is Madeline employing?

A.Operant conditioning

B. Classical conditioning

C. Observational learning 

D. One-trial learning 

A.Operant conditioning


Janice cleaned out the office refrigerator without being asked. The operant conditioning concept of positive reinforcement is illustrated in which scenario?

A. The next day, her boss gave her a gift certificate to a local coffee shop. As a result, Janice now regularly cleans out the office refrigerator.

B. The next day, her boss said Janice could take some time off work. As a result, Janice now regularly cleans out the office refrigerator.

C. The next day, Janice’s coworker cleaned out the office refrigerator. As a result, now everyone in the office takes turn cleaning out the refrigerator.

D. The next day, her boss reprimanded Janice loudly in front of everyone. As a result, Janice never cleaned the office refrigerator again.

A. The next day, her boss gave her a gift certificate to a local coffee shop. As a result, Janice now regularly cleans out the office refrigerator.


In Ivan Pavlov's experiments in classical conditioning, the dog's salivation was

A. an unconditioned stimulus only

B. an unconditioned response only

C. a conditioned response only

D. both an unconditioned and a conditioned stimulus

E. both an unconditioned and a conditioned response

E. both an unconditioned and a conditioned response


Brian was having difficulty solving a riddle, but after sleeping, he suddenly understood the answer. Brian’s newfound knowledge was probably the result of

A. a cognitive map

B. reinforcement

C. observational learning

D. insight

E. latent learning

D. insight


Tyler ate a cheeseburger from a fast food restaurant for dinner, and he was awake all night feeling sick. Now, just thinking about eating any fast food makes him feel nauseous, and he is certain that he will never want to eat it again. Tyler’s aversion to fast food can best be explained by

A. shaping

B. extinction

C. spontaneous recovery

D. stimulus generalization

E. latent learning

D. stimulus generalization


In classical conditioning, repeated presentations of the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus lead to

A. acquisition

B. discrimination

C. extinction

D. backward conditioning

EL. stimulus generalization

C. extinction


The operant conditioning concept of negative reinforcement is illustrated in which of the following scenarios?

A. Malia teaches her cat to jump through a hoop by first teaching the cat to jump over her arm, then through a circle Malia forms with her arms, then through an actual hoop.

B. Ervin always buckles his seat belt to stop the beeping sound his car makes when the seat belt is unbuckled.

C. Whenever Gizele masters a piano piece, her teacher puts a sticker on the page of music.

D. When Grizilla’s dog tries to steal her food, she taps him on the nose and says “NO!” sharply.

E. After Ben stays out after curfew, his parents tell him he is not allowed to spend time with his friends for one month.

B. Ervin always buckles his seat belt to stop the beeping sound his car makes when the seat belt is unbuckled.


Which scenario below best depicts insight learning?

A. Laramie suddenly realized that he could put some of his groceries in a cabinet after repeatedly failing to fit them into a pantry.

B. Kyler audited a physics class and was not required to be formally tested on the material. However, when Kyler’s mother asked him a tough question about physics he was able to answer it correctly.

C. Marley screamed when she saw her neighbor's dog after watching her father scream in fear around dogs.

D. Karla never tried to leave the house in the middle of the night again after her parents grounded her for sneaking out of the house.

E. Yi made sure to mow her grandmother's yard weekly after her grandmother baked her cookies to thank Yi for mowing the yard.

A. Laramie suddenly realized that he could put some of his groceries in a cabinet after repeatedly failing to fit them into a pantry.


Which of the following is the best example of the learning principle of reinforcement?

A. Sammy’s father stopped buying him candy when Sammy cried, and Sammy stopped crying for candy for a while. However, one day Sammy randomly started crying for candy again

B. Coraline trained her cats to respond in different ways to two different whistle pitches. They would come to be fed when she blew one whistle and leave when she blew the other whistle so she could clean their litter boxes.

C. Five-year-old Mandy learned to write with a pencil, but she can also write with a marker, a crayon, or a pen.

D. Marla audited a class, so she never took any quizzes or tests throughout the year. However, she decided she wanted to take the end-of-year final and received a very high grade without taking earlier exams.

E. James drank coffee before he took and passed a difficult test with a high grade, so now he drinks coffee before every test he takes because he believes doing so will help him score well on the tests.

E. James drank coffee before he took and passed a difficult test with a high grade, so now he drinks coffee before every test he takes because he believes doing so will help him score well on the tests.


Individuals who believe that an unpleasant experience is unavoidable and therefore do nothing to change the course of events are exhibiting

A. self-actualization attributes

B. the fight-or-flight response

C. attributional deficits

D. cognitive dissonance

E. learned helplessness

E. learned helplessness


Which dog is demonstrating stimulus discrimination in the following scenarios?

A. Sparky recognizes the sound of the can opener and excitedly goes to his bowl when he hears it.

B. Princess used to sit on command, but since her owner stopped giving her a treat for it, she no longer does.

C. Chug, a fearful dog after growing up without a home, gradually became more trusting of people after being exposed to them. Then, Chug suddenly returns to his fearful behavior.

D. Cookie cowers when she hears the pop of fireworks, but not when she hears the pop of lightning.

E. Brodie associates the sound of the doorbell with guests and excitedly goes to the door when he hears it, but he also does so when he hears a game show contestant ring a bell to answer a question.

D. Cookie cowers when she hears the pop of fireworks, but not when she hears the pop of lightning.


Which of the following is a partial reinforcement schedule that is most resistant to extinction

A. Noncontingent

B. Shaping

C. Variable ratio

D. Fixed ratio

E. Fixed interval

C. Variable ratio


Jeff always tells his children not to use bad language when something does not go the way they want. Unfortunately, Jeff uses bad language occasionally and his children have observed him do so. Now Jeff’s children use bad language. This can be explained by

A. learned helplessness

B. social learning theory

C. representativeness

D. classical conditioning

E. self-efficacy

B. social learning theory


Suzie screamed at her little brother, and her mother yelled, “We do not yell in this house!” Suzie continues to yell at her brother despite her mother reprimanding her. Suzie’s behavior is best explained by

A. observational learning

B. stimulus generalization -

C. latent learning

D. negative reinforcement

E. intermittent reinforcement

A. observational learning


In a classic study, a group of rats learned to run through a maze to obtain food, and another group of rats explored the maze without receiving food. Some time later, the researcher compared the two groups of rats to determine if both groups would find the food at the end of the maze. According to the researcher, the untrained rats found the food at the end of the maze as quickly as the trained rats as a result of

A. latent learning

B. observational learning

C. avoidance learning

D. counterconditioning

E. aversive conditioning

A. latent learning


Which of the following is NOT a product of learning?

A. Slowing down to avoid getting a ticket

B. Squinting in bright light

C. Doing chores in order to receive money

D. Getting acclimated to the frequent sound of trains going past one’s house

E. Becoming afraid of dogs after being bitten by a dog

B. Squinting in bright light


A researcher is training laboratory rats to run a complex maze. Each time the rats learn a new part of the maze, they are rewarded with a pellet of food. Within a few hours, the rats have learned the entire maze. Which of the following did the researcher use to teach the rats the maze?

A. Shaping

B. Generalization

C. Negative reinforcement

D. A fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement

E. Spontaneous recovery

A. Shaping


Which of the following would a social learning theorist be most likely to propose as a cause for a fear of flying?

A. A person has maladaptive thoughts about the safety of planes.

B. A person observed someone else’s fear of flying.

C. A person had been negatively reinforced for flying on a plane.

D. The fear was passed on from parents genetically.

E. The fear is related to childhood trauma.

B. A person observed someone else’s fear of flying.


The “Little Albert” study demonstrated that

A. humans can learn through observation

B. biological constraints affect learning in humans

C. fear can be conditioned in humans

D. punishment can effectively decrease behavior in humans

E. learning in humans is fundamentally different from learning in other species

C. fear can be conditioned in humans


Which of the following sets of concepts is central to social learning theory?

A. Observation, imitation, and modeling

B. Fixed interval, variable interval, and fixed ratio

C. Generalization, spontaneous recovery, and discrimination

D. Acquisition, extinction, and counter-conditioning

E. Higher-order learning, negative reinforcement, and variable ratio

A. Observation, imitation, and modeling


Which of the following is a response acquired through classical conditioning?

A. A woman’s stomach growls when she looks at the clock and sees it is almost lunchtime.

B. A dog salivates at the taste of food.

C. A man pulls his hand away from a hot burner on the stove.

D. A child cleans his room more often when he is rewarded for doing so.

E. A driver stops speeding after receiving a ticket.

A. A woman’s stomach growls when she looks at the clock and sees it is almost lunchtime.


The use of tokens in token economies is an example of which of the following types of reinforcement?

A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Negative

D. Vicarious

E. Aversive

B. Secondary
