Unitary- centralized government, capital city is the focus of power. Ex. United Kingdom
Federal- organized into territory which all have some control over government policies ex. United States, Canada, Mexico
What kind of boundary dispute is the 38th parallel?
operational because they boundary is clear but north korea has attempted invasions
comes before the people ex. Canada and U.S.-great lakes
Explain belgiums devolution
ethnocultural- Flemish In the north speak Flemish, Walloons in the south speak french
belgium gave up some of their power to appease both groups
politically defined territory recognized by other states that has one cultural group with the right to rule ex. France and Japan
What is sovereignty and territoriality?
sovereignty- having the final decision regarding a territory
territoriality- expression of political control over space
describe a location boundary dispute
Kashmir-both countries believe it belongs to them
SCS-China is arguing 9 dash line instead of following UNCLOS
Israel-palestinains and Israelis believe it is their own
no longer used as a boundary but lasting effects are seen ex. Berlin wall
What is self determination
the right to rule themselves
Stateless nation
culturally defined group of people without land or the right to rule ex. Basques, Kurds, palestinians
Define irredentism
A cultural group has been split and the state is trying to reunite the people usually by trying to reclaim lost land ex: Russia and Ukraine
What is an allocational dispute
dispute of resources
ex. Iraq and Kuwait over the oil field
after the settling of the people ex. Spain and Portugal
Changing how many seats in the house a state has based on their census pop.
Multi-state nation
One nation spread out over multiple states, usually also a stateless nation.
Ex. Kurds
Heartland Theory
Heartland-if you control east europe you control the heartland, if you control the heartland you control the world island, and if you control the world island you control the world
What is the “frontier“
an open undefined territory
ex. Antarctica
imposed by a outside force usually not correspondent to the existing cultural landscape
the act of redistricting to give your political party advantage over the other
Multi-national state
Politically defined territory with more than one ethnic group.
Ex. United States
Rimland theory
If you control the ports of eurasia you control the world
Post colonial conflict
Rwanda-Hutu Tutsies
Ethnocultural violence-hutus wanted an ethnic cleansing of the tutsies
-physical boundary separating two groups
-lines of lat. And long.
ex-territory not bounded to the main part of the state(not an island) ex. Alaska
en-territory completely surrounded by another entity ex. Lesotho
Multi-ethnic state
Do not want the right to rule, multiple ethnic groups coexisting