This ideology fueled revolts based on groups wanting to break free of foreign rule and establish ethnic unity
This dominant German state became the leading force in uniting Germany?
This Italian was a leader of Italian Nationalism and created the secret society "Young Italy"
Giuseppe Mazzini
I am the former Chancellor of Prussia who threw Conservative views and aggressive military policies united Germany and set the nation on a course to becoming an industrial powerhouse
Boston, Massachusetts
These two political ideologies clashed across Europe in the first half of the 1800's. One favored the old order led by monarchs and nobles, the other favored Enlightenment ideas such as separation of power and natural rights
Conservatism and Liberalism
Otto Von Bismarck's policies as Chancellor were laid out when he gave this straightforward speech about Prussian success and dominance?
Blood and Iron
This religious area in the middle of Italy was strongly opposed to unification
Papal States
I am a former prince of Austria, who was a staunch supporter of the old Conservative order staying in power across Europe. Throughout the 1800s I led consistent opposition to liberal and nationalist movements across the continent
Klemens Von Metternich
In what city was the Super Bowl between the Chiefs and Eagles played in last Sunday?
New Orleans
This small Eastern European territory was the among the first to revolt when they successfully broke from the Ottoman Empire, thanks in part to big brother Russia
What 3 nations did Prussia fight in the Wars of Unification?
Denmark, Austria, France
Camillo Cavour built a secret alliance with this nation in order to help push out Austria in Northern Italy
I am the former King of Sardinia, thanks to the cunning politics of my prime minister I ultimately became King of Unified Italy
Victor Emmanuel II
In a standard game of Chess, how many pawns does each player start with?
On the heels of France's revolt in 1830, this western European nation achieved independence from the Dutch Kingdom, and arrangement that had been made at the Congress of Vienna
Why was the invasion of Napoleon into the German states an early first step toward unification?
It prompted a German Nationalist movement
To achieve independence in Southern Italy Nationalist Leader Giuseppe Garibaldi led a group of volunteers soldiers known by this name
Red Shirts
I became King of France in 1830 thanks to the people chasing off my Absolutist minded cousin. I closely aligned with the bourgeoisie and since I owed my crown to the actions of the people I was known as nations "Citizen King"
Louis Phillipe
The 1980 U.S. Men's Hockey team achieved the "miracle on ice" when they shockingly upset this nation in the Olympics
Soviet Union (USSR)
Why were places like Austria and the Ottoman Empire at such a high risk for revolts during the age of revolutions in the 1800s?
Empires were ethnically diverse
After unification Bismarck earned the nickname "Iron Chancellor" due to his hardline policies against these two groups of people, whom he greatly distrusted
Catholics and Socialists
A major step to Italian unification was the states of northern Italy being brought together by this small Italian State?
When I inherited the throne and title of Kaiser, I shocked the nation by removing the famed Otto Bismarck from his position as Chancellor. Ultimately there was only room for one strong willed ruler in the German State
Kaiser William II
This is the largest fresh water fish in the world?
Beluga Sturgeon