French Revolution: Key People
French Revolution: Key events
Other Key Documents, Agreements, etc.

Which political group’s political views were to create modern Jacobins, but more to the right?

Who are the Girondists?


What event consisted of the arresting and execution of Robespierre, ended the Committee of Public Safety (otherwise known as CPS), and restored social stability without doing away with what the Revolution had started?

What is the Thermidorian Reaction?


What was the tax that all Frenchmen had to pay (other than the clergy) on agricultural goods such as produce?

What is the taille?


Who was born in 1769 in Corsica, was a Jacobin, was influenced by the Enlightenment, and gained control of Northern Italy in 1797?

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


What was a new constitution that the National Assembly wrote that gave all citizens free expression of thoughts and opinions, and also guaranteed equality before the law?

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?


What did the Estates General consist of?

Who are educated lawyers from which men were elected to represent the 3rd Estate?


What began when Robespierre came into power and when he would accuse people of going against the government and would execute people daily by guillotine?

What is the Reign of Terror?


What are grievances which criticized the government's wastefulness, indirect taxation, church taxes and corruption, and rights given to the aristocracy; also began to demand equal rights?

What are Cahiers de doleances?
What is the significance of Napoleon's coronation?
What is he didn't bow to the pope, which symbolized his independence?

Who was a conservative leader who glorified unrepresentative Parliament and predicted that reform would lead to a lot of chaos and tyranny?

Who is Edmund Burke?


Which social group had the greatest number of victims under the Reign of Terror?

Who are peasants?


What event was important because it was symbolic, and was a successful attack on tyranny of the ancient reign?

What is the Seizure of the Bastille?


In the Constitution of 1791, what was the definition of a citizen?

What are people who paid annual takes (3rd labor wages)?


How did Napoleon deal with the Holy Roman Empire?

Said it was over, and replaced it with the Confederation of the Rhine.


What group was led by Gracchus Babeuf, and were radical revolutionaries?

Who are Babeuvists?


What political club consisted of both men and women, was lead by the bourgeoisie, and whose main goal was the removal of the king and the establishment of a republic?

Who are the Jacobins?


What were some of the actions of the National Assembly toward the Church (Name at least one)?

What is the confiscation of church properties, the decrease in the power of monarch's, and decrease in the privileges of the nobles?


What calendar was a part of an effort of dechristianization?

What is the Republican Calendar of 1793?


What is at least ONE of the countries that were ruled by Napoleon or one of his relatives?

What are Holland, Westphalia, Poland, Spain, and Italy?


What was established by the Third Estate, middle class, and the bourgeoisie?

What is the French National Assembly?


Who were the common people of the Paris working class, were radical, violent, had a poor quality of life, and wanted change?

Who are the Sans-culottes?


What event did King Louis XVI say was illegal during the Revolution?

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


Which constitution mainly reflected Jean Jacques Rousseau’s vision?

What is the Constitution of 1793?


What did Napoleon do to France after the Revolution (land/border-wise)

He divided France into departments, not provinces.


Which Revolution era political party was at the far left of political spectrum, and was also known as the "Mountain"?

Who are the Montagnards?
