Descriptive Words

Starts with a 6 and rolls to the right as it changes to a 7

What is 67?


Extend your thumb and index fingers on both hands. Take your strong hand and start with your thumb under your jaw. Then move the strong hand and tap it down on top of your weak hand.

What is sister?


The sign for _________ is made by clasping both hands comfortably together. For right-handed people the right hand should be on top of the left hand.

What is married?


The sign based on moving a "C" hand in a partial circle as if tracing the shape of a "wreath." You use a "C" handshape to show the top inside edge of a wreath.

What is Christmas?


Taking your index and middle finger and brushing them against your chin.

What is cute?


Starts with a 7 and rolls to the left as it changes to a 9

What is 79?


Combine the signs "mom" and "dad" quickly as if doing one sign. The thumb can either touch your chin and forehead or simply place your hand near each surface without actually touching.

What is parents?


The sign is as in "agreed to be married"

What is engaged? 


The sign: to put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others. ______+MARRAGE: to make an offer of marriage to someone.

What is prospal? 


Signed starting with your dominant hand open, thumb pointing at your chin and fingers pointing up. You complete the sign by rolling your fingers across the front of your face.

What is beautiful? 


Form the sign for the number 8 followed by the sign for the number 0. (Hold the middle finger down with the thumb while holding the index, ring, and pinky fingers up. Then form a circle with the fingers and thumb)

What is 80? 


The _____ sign is made by making your hand into a C-shape. Place the C-hand by the side of your head and twist it back and forth. In ASL proper, there are different _____ signs for male and female _____.

What is cousins?


Start with your hands slightly apart, palms facing each other, hands in "D" shapes.  Bring the hands together to touch at the fingertips, then pull apart about an inch-and-a-half then bring together again.  Use a small quick movement.

What is date?


If you want to say that you are going to a ________, you could do the sign "family" and then do the sign "GATHER-to."

What is family reunion?


The sign: use a "H" handshape and do (somewhat) circular movement around the face.

What is handsome?


Starts with a 8 and rolls to the right as it changes to a 9

What is 89?


Combine the signs for SECOND-HAND (or "his/her-TURN") and "brother." (This is not an insult) We use the "SECOND-HAND" sign since it is a way of saying that something is in the next series not the first.

What is step-brother?


The sign: use a back-and-forth sliding movement between the two items.

What is relationship?


You taken your dominant hand, with fingers open and middle finger extended forward. Touch your middle finger on your chin and then on your chest.

What is birthday?


The fingers wiggle as you move both hands backward. The sign starts a few inches in front of your head and moves backward until the hands are even with, or a little-bit behind your face.

What is pleasant/friendly?


Starts with a 9 and rolls to the left as it changes to a 7

What is 97?


________ is a combination of SISTER and LAW.  That means it is a "compound" sign. You generally get rid of  the first part of the sign LAW. Some people even get rid of the last half of the sign sister.

What is sister-in-law?


The sign: divide imply a putting apart or keeping apart of things from each other.

What is separate?


Put up your thumb, index finger and pinkie finger, while keeping your ring finger and your middle finger down. Hold the hand out, palm facing away from you and move it back and forth slightly.

What is "I love you?" 


Uses an index finger handshape that changes into a "Y" handshape. The "Y" handshape makes a slight side to side motion. You start by either touching or just bringing the index finger near to the cheek beneath the eye and then doing an abbreviated version of the sign for "same."

What is look like?
