This instrument is a type of percussion instrument based in Africa.
What is a Djembe?
What is birth, puberty, marriages, succession, and funerals?
This type of gender was most active in music
What is a male?
The religion that Ancient Egypt believed in consisted of many gods that they worshiped.
What is Polytheistic?
These were the four periods in Arabic.
What is Pre-Islamic, Period of Development, Period of Conservation, and Modern Period?
Name 1 instrument commonly known in Egypt society.
What is a flute? ...harp? ...sistrum(Percussion shaker)?
This is a special rhythm that Africans use for drum circles and such.
What is polymeter or Polyrhythmic?
The influences in nature for music.
These were written on most essential places of importance. They are pictographs representing different words and symbols.
What are hieroglyphics?
In Pre-Islamic until mostly music was performed by...
What are singing girls?
This is a common Arabic string instrument. HINT: looks like a guitar.
What is a Darabukka?
In South Africa 1920s there was a type of music that was a blend of Jazz and African Music.
What is Marabi?
There was little instruments so instead Australian people used their bodies to make sounds.
What is body percussion?
A conductor of sorts.
What is a chironomist?
Arabic language was written from...
What is right to left?
This instrument commonly known in Australia is played using air with lip buzzing and voice.
What is a didgeridoo?
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is an example of this type of singing in South Africa.
What is Zulu A Cappella Singing?
This type of music is related to Dreamtime.
What is Songlines?
Most frequent gender to play music in Egypt?
What is women?
Bonus(100): held in high esteem in social standings.
The letters of the Arabic alphabet represent the pitches and the numbers under the letters indicate the rhythm.
What is Arabic's music notation?
What is the bullroarer and the lagerphone?
IN the 1970/80s these were the three common genres for South Africa.
What is Reggae, rock, and pop (bubblegum pop)?
These are the 5 types of music in Australia.
What is Bunggul, Clansongs, Songlines, Kun-borrk, and Wangaa?
Passed down orally or repetition.
What is rote?
In 1869 this was the first "House" in the Arabic world opened in Cairo
What is an Opera House?