Activity analysis
Fitness components
Assessment of fitness
Fitness tests

What is the first step in creating a training program?

Activity analysis


Define anaerobic capacity.

The total amount of energy obtained from the anaerobic energy systems.


Which fitness component has submaximal tests?

Aerobic power.


What fitness component does the Cooper 12-minute run assess?

Aerobic power.


Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of using direct observation and using video recording when collecting data for an activity analysis

Direct observation pros:

• Practical, no equipment

• Can implement immediate change

Video recording pros:

• Replay and slow down footage

• Easy to share and store

• More accurate

• Computer programs available

Direct observation cons:

• Hard to see everything in real time

• Memory limitations

• Difficult to view all at once

• Subjective

Video recording cons:

• More prep/set-up involved (labour intensive)

• Digital literacy required

• More costly


Define muscular power.

The ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert a maximum amount of force in the shortest period of time.


Provide 2 reasons why athletes should undertake fitness testing.

• Assess strengths and weaknesses in fitness components

• Establish a baseline

• Motivation

• Assess suitability of athlete for sport, position, selection


How many cones are used in the phosphate recovery test (how many must you pass each sprint)?



What is the work : rest ratio telling us about energy systems?

Informs the most important system (not necessarily the main contributor).


Define flexibility and describe a factor affecting flexibility (other than age or gender).

The range of motion around a joint.

Joint structure (higher in ball and socket joints), muscle temperature (i.e. warmed up), injury decreases flexibility.


Under what circumstance would a submaximal test be advised?

Any type of health condition e.g. heart attack or stroke.

Explain the yo-yo intermittent recovery test. Include how far apart the markers are in your answer.

The athlete runs at increasing speeds between markers placed 20 m apart and recovering for 10 seconds between runs. The test continues until exhaustion


Identify the most important energy system for the following work to rest ratios:

• 1:5

• 3:1

• 1:2

ATP-PC, aerobic system, aerobic system


Define agility. Provide two sporting examples that require good agility. Other than age or gender, describe one factor affecting agility.

The ability to change direction quickly and accurately without losing balance.

E.g. evading an opponent, baulk.

Muscle fibre type (higher % fast twitch), flexiblity, reaction time.


What are 2 advantages of field tests? What is 1 disadvantage?


• More practical 

• More affordable

• Easy to administer

• Often can test many people at once

• Provide more of a prediction of fitness but most validated against “gold standard” tests


• Less accurate


Justify whether the semo agility test or Illinois agility test would be most suitable for a tennis player.


- Always face forwards 

- Side steps, backwards and forwards are common moves in tennnis

- No need to slalom


What are the three pieces of data you can establish from movement patterns e.g. GPS?

Any two of:

• Energy system contributions

• Fitness tests

• Fitness components


Define aerobic power. Provide two sports that require good aerobic power. Describe 3 factors affecting aerobic power.

The maximum rate of ATP production from the aerobic energy system 

E.g. AFL, soccer, marathon

Age, gender, muscle fibre type (greater % slow twitch)


What is a maximal test? What would not make the Cooper 12 minute run test maximal?

A test where you stretch the fitness component to your maximum capability.

Does not have to be to exhaustion.

If you don't push yourself to your full ability e.g. walk when don't need to, it is not a maximal test.


Explain 2 tests of anaerobic capacity and identify the one most suitable for a hockey player.

Phosphate recovery test (most suitable)

Athlete completes a 7- second sprint across a course with 23 seconds recovery after each sprint. They attempt to move past as many cones (numbered 1 to 10) as possible and maintain performance across all 7 sprints. Most suitable as it mimics movements in a match (running and rest).

30-second Wingate test

Athlete cycles at a maximal intensity for 30 seconds on a stationary bike. Not as suitable as athlete is cycling.
