Court Cases/Acts
Political Policies

What is the significance of Marbury V. Madison (1803)?

Judicial Review! (LC, The Supreme Court has the final say over what is constitutional and what isn’t.)


What was the significance of the 1800 Election?

Jefferson and Burr tied in the electoral college. So the election went to the House of Reps. You need 16 states to win. 

Jeff-8    Burr-6  tied-2

Hamiliton (although a Federalist) urges Federalist support for Jefferson. This election also marked the beginings of the political parties/two-party system. Bc it was Adams (F) against Jefferson (R)


What was the importance of interchangeable parts?

It allows for standardized parts using molds. Allows for mass production in low per unit costs.


What was the Missouri Controvery?

Missouri wanted to be admitted into the Union as a slave state, which would upset the balance.

Tallmadge amendment: well admit Missouri as a slave state, but then gradually abolish slavery. SOUTHERNS WENT CRAZY

Missouri compromise was created instead.


What was the Rush Bagot Agreement (1817)

It demiliterized the border between US and British Canada.


What was the Embargo Act of 1807?

It shut down American Foreign trade. (Prevent another leopard affair)

Attempt at economic corhecian, so that GB would negotiate in good faith to stop harm to their economy (justified via LC)

political disaster for Jefferson


What did Andrew Jackson do for the presidency?

He strengthen it by extensively using the veto

emphasized limited federal government

didnt believe the Supreme Court was the final judge

against federal funding for internal improvements.


What was Standard Gauge?

Any train could run on any track. All railroads tracks in the US are the same width apart, and can link up.


What was the Cult of Domesticty?

Idealization of the home. Home is refuge from the nasty world; it is a virtuous + caring + nurturing enviorment. It is the wife’s job to maintain enviorment. Women must be unspoiled.


What was John Marshels goals as Supreme Court justice?

Increase power of the Supreme Court

Legitimize use of Loose Construction

Increase power of the fed govt at expense of the states

aid in the development of an integrated market economy by creating legal uniformity



What was the importance of mcculloch v maryland?

Bank case. Challenges constitutionality of the federal bank. Marshall says bank is constitutional via LC. A state cannot tax a federal institution. “Power to tax is the power to destroy!”


What was the “Jeffersonian Revolution” of 1800?

It was a peaceful transition of power from the federalists to the republicans. 

This had never happened before! Sets a precedent for how thing were to go. Good sign for the constitution, sufficient in proving stability (long term)


What was the most important part of the Transportation Revolution from 1820s-1830s?

Canals! They were constructed on an east-west direction. They create economic connections between the northeast and old northwest, aka economic inner dependence. South Is left out, aka increase sectionalism.


How did the southern explanation/justification of slavery change?

Prior to 1830s—a nessicary evil

after 1830s—positive good


What was the Monroe Doctorine?

Principals of non colonization: The western hemisphere is closed to any further colonization. 

Principal of non intervention: The US will view any act of European intervention into the affairs of the western hemisphere as unfriendly.

US non interference: The US pledges that they will not intervene in European affairs or existing European colonies in the western hemisphere. 


What is Cherokee Nation V Georgia (1831)?

John Marshall says that Cherokee isnt a separate nation, and are under georia law, but they do have soild legal right to their land.

What was the were the three examples of Republicans using loose construction?

1. TJ accepted Hamilton financial system

2. Louisiana Purchase

3. Barbary Wars—TJ sent the navy to war w/o a congressional declaration of War.


What was the Lowel System?

Factories targated a teenage farm girls (15-17) to work for them. Factory work was simple to train for, and girls would do it until they got married. 


What was the doctorine of Nullification?

if a state deemed a federal gov law unconstitutional, it could nullify that law within the states boundaries.

Calhoun responds to calls to suceed after the Tariff of Abominiations by crafting the nullifcation doctorine. It protects state rights w/o  succession. Refers back to Kentucky + VA plan

Compact Theory: states are sovereign, sovereign states created the constituent, tus the constitution was a compact among the sovereign states.


What was the importance of the Chesapeake Lepoard Affair (1807)

Captin was looking for British deserters. US captain denied entry. The leopard opened fire on the US, destroyed the ship, killed 3 men, injured 18, impressed 3 sailors. BIG DEMAND FOR WAR



What was the importance of Fletcher V Peck (1810)?

1st time a state law was declared unconstitutional. 


What was Jacksonian Democracy?

The rise of the common man. Social fluidness. Universal manhood suffage.

Spoils system: hand out gov positions to your loyal party people.

high voter participation


What is The American System? (Henry Clay)

It is a protective tariff to protect American manufacturing.

Enacts the tariff of 1816. 

Creation of a national bank (Hamiltons bank charter expired in 1811)

System of internal improvements (federally funded system of roads/canals, payed through the Bonus Bill—a way to finance infastructure w/o having to raise taxes) however Madison thinks this is too far of a stretch for the elastic clause

Opposition from Old republicans (John Randolf) bc it benefited the north At the expense of the south, also SC, gov can regulate foreign trade, but isn’t given the power to enact tariffs


What were the core beliefs of the Transindentalists?

Individualism, Intuition, Creativity, Non-conformity, Nationalist, Anti-Materialistic, Getting back in touch with nature.

IMPORTANT: Essay on civil disopedence: The moral individual is to be disobedient to an unjust law


What was the cause of the Bank panic of 1837? (Clue: pet banks)

Clay wanted to recharter the bank early, Jackson vetoed, said the Bank was unconstitutional. Thus, he ordered all the funds away from the national bank and deposits the $$ in specially selected state banks controlled by dems (pet banks) Deposit Act of 1836: causes overissuing of bank notes —> over speculation in western lands.

Jackson issues the specie circular: you have to buy western lands w/ specie—> everyone rushes to go get specie. Causes a depression
