These were the two first political parties in the United States
What are the Democratic-Republicans and Federalist?
An agreement to work out problems between Britain and the U.S over British seizure of U.S ships.
What is Jay's Treaty?
Certificates that represent money the government has borrowed from private citizens.
What are bonds?
This land purchase from France doubled the size of the United States.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
Set the precedent of a two year term, establishing a cabinet, and the title "Mr. President".
Who is George Washington?
In his farewell address he advised the nation to stay away from political parties, because they will divide the nation.
Who is George Washington?
An agreement between U.S and Spain that changed Florida's border and made it easier for American ships to use the port of New Orleans.
What is Pinckney's Treaty?
An action or decision that later serves as an example.
What is a precedent?
A set of laws by the Federalist party that allowed them to deport immigrants they considered dangerous and jail individuals that voiced criticism of the federal government.
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?
Shoshone Indian woman agreed to guide the Corps of Discovery through the Louisiana Territory.
Who is Sacagawea?
Political party that wanted to preserve the power of the state governments and promote agriculture.
What is the Democratic-Republican Party?
An agreement between native American confederation leaders and the U.S. government that gave the U.S. Indian lands in the Northwest Territory.
What is the Treaty of Greenville?
A way of interpreting the Constitution that allows the federal government to take only those actions the Constitution specifically says it can take.
What is strict construction?
An incident in which French agents attempted to get a bribe and loans from U.S. diplomats in exchange for an agreement that French privateers would no longer attack American ships.
What is the XYZ affair?
Only president from the Federalist Party and was involved in the Quasi War.
Who was John Adams?
The only United States president that was from the Federalist Party.
Who is John Adams?
A treaty signed by the United States and Britain ending the War of 1812.
What is the Treaty of Ghent?
A group of people who organize to help elect government officials and influence government policies.
What is a political party?
Fighting between the U.S and Great Britain due to the British acts of impressment and supporting Native Americans against the U.S. government.
What was the War of 1812?
This presidents presidency is known as the "Era of Good Feelings".
Who was James Monroe?
Political party that wanted a strong national federal government and promote industry and trade.
What is the Federalist Party?
DAILY DOUBLE: An agreement in which Spain gave Florida to the United States.
What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?
The practice of forcing people to serve in the army or navy.
What is impressment?
American foreign policy forbidding further colonization in the Americas and any attempt of colonization by European nations would be considered hostile.
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
President Jefferson wanted Americans to know more about the lands of the Louisiana Purchase and sent these individuals on an expedition for answers.
Who was Meriwether Lewis and William Clark?