What are deeper rock layers?
Burning fossil fuels adds this gas to the air, making the planet hotter.
What is carbon dioxide?
If two animals have the same kind of bones in a body part, it means they are this.
What is closely related?
This scientist developed the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Who is Charles Darwin?
We inherit half of our DNA from this person.
What is a parent?
This type of rock is where most fossils are found in.
What is sedimentary rock?
This event is causes many animals to lose their forest habitats to farms and buildings.
What is deforestation?
The human arm, a cat's leg, and a bat's wing share the same bone structure because of this.
What is common ancestry?
This famous example of natural selection was observed during the Industrial Revolution.
What are peppered moths?
Humans share about 98% of their DNA with this great ape, making them our closest living relatives.
What is a chimpanzee?
Scientists can compare fossils in different layers of rock to see hoe organisms have done this over time.
What is evolved?
Rising Ocean Temperatures are causing a phenomenon where a certain ocean organism is dying, leading to massive losses of biodiversity. What is this phenomenal event called?
What is Coral Bleaching?
Structures that look similar due to shared ancestry, even if they have different functions, are called this.
What are homologous structures?
Changes in traits over generations due to environmental pressures result in this.
What is adaptation?
This process creates small random changes in DNA that can lead to evolutionary difference over time.
What is mutation?
When an organism gets trapped in this and hardens over time, it becomes a type of fossil.
What is amber?
Using too much water in dry places can lead to this major problem.
What is drought?
Remnants of once-useful structures such as a whale's pelvis, are know as this.
What are vestigial structures?
This famous bird helped Darwin develop his theory of evolution.
What are finches?
The more similar this molecule is between two species, the more closely related they are.
What is DNA?
The sudden disappearance of many fossils in a rock layer suggests this type of event.
What is mass extinction?
This covers 1.6 million square kilometers and consists of 45,000–129,000 metric tons of plastic in the Pacific Ocean.
What is the Great Pacific Garbage Pile?
Two animal embryos that look very similar in early development belong to these two organisms.
What are fish and humans?
If a group of elephants move hundreds of miles away because their usual watering hole has dried up. What are they doing?
What is migrating?
This shape describes the twisted ladders structure of DNA.
What is a double helix?