This Spartan king led his 300 men in the fatal battle of Thermopyle
"That which I am proudest of is that no Atheanian ever wore mourning because of me"
Battles of Salamis and Thermopylae
480 B.C.
These walls were 4 miles long and connected Athens to the sea.
the Long Walls
This famous battle was a clash between the Persian Immortals and the Spartan 300.
the Battle of Thermopylae
This leader encouraged Athens to build more ships, which led to their victory over the Persians
"So much the better, we shall fight in the shade"
Spartan soldier at Thermopylae
Battle of Marathon
490 B.C.
This great temple on the Acropolis was built in honor of Athena.
This sea battle, led by Themistocles, was a crucial victory against the Persians.
the Battle of Salamis
Athenian magistrate that was recalled from banishment who was humble, honorable, and just.
"Athens and Sparta are the two legs of Greece"
Battle of Platae
479 B.C.
This channel of water separates Europe from Asia and was bruttally scourged by the Persians.
This war was between Sparta and Athens.
Peloponnesian War
Horseman turned seaman, this man went on to become one of Athen's greatest generals.
"I have never seen him but am tired of hearing him called "the Just" was spoken of whom?
Peloponnesian War
431-404 B.C.
This port city of Athens was connected to the main city thanks to the Long Walls extended by Cimon.
Spartan, general Pausanias, won this final land battle of the Persian Wars.
the Battle of Plataea
This Athenian leader led Athens during it's golden era, until the start of the Peloponnesian Wars.
"We fight for all" was cried by the Greeks at which battle?
Plague of Athens
430 B.C.
The likeness of the great sculptor, Phidias, was displayed upon this great work of art.
the shield of Athena at the Parthenon
This was the last sea battle of the Persain War.
the battle of Mycale