Rock Cycle (E.6.2)
Human Impact (E.6.6)
Earth's Changes (E.6.4)
Age of Earth (E.6.3)
Nature of Science (N.1.1)

Watch this video-

Weathering, erosion, and deposition would eventually make which type of rock? 

Sedimentary rock is formed when other rocks are weathered into sediments that erode and deposit into layers.


Which layer of rock is most likely to get eroded by human activity and why?

D- it is at the top



Make a relative age statement about this image. 

Answers may vary, but should include _____ is younger/older than _____. 


Define independent variable. 

test variable; the factor that is changed by the investigator; what YOU change


Watch this video first-

Describe how an igneous rock could become a metamorphic rock. 

An igneous rock under intense heat and pressure would become a metamorphic rock. 


Watch this video first-

List 2 reasons why it is important to preserve wetlands. 

Wetlands provide a home and food for many species, they protect us from storms, prevent erosion


You just discovered a fossil in your backyard! It looks like an animal that used to live in a very cold environment... how is that possible?

It could be that Florida was not always where it is today (plate tectonic movement) or the climate used to be much colder.


First, watch this video:

At the start of the video, the narrator says "By counting the isotopes in a sample of rock that's undergone radioactive decay, geologists have estimated the Earth's birthday." What kind of dating is this- relative or absolute? 

Absolute dating- key words to look for are radioactive, carbon, half-life, decay


Define dependent variable. 

outcome variable; the factor that changes as a result of independent variable; what you MEASURE


Identify A

Igneous Rock


List the 2 processes we see in this picture (trees getting cut down to build a city). 

Deforestation (cutting down trees and forests) and urbanization (building cities)


List 2 pieces of evidence that are post important in determining if 2 landmasses were once connected. 

Similar fossils and rock layers


Which layer is least likely to contain a fossil and why?

C- it is an intrusion made from magma, the fossil would be melted/destroyed


I am running an experiment to discover which dish soap is the best for cleaning dirty pans. I test three different soap brands and measure how dirty the pan is. What is the independent variable and the dependent variable?

Independent- dish soap brand

Dependent- how dirty the pan is 


Identify B

Heat and Pressure


Watch this video first-

Name the process that is being accelerated as people damage on sand dunes and 1 reason why sand dunes are important to protect. 

Erosion; sand dunes provide a barrier for coastal storms (block waves, prevent flooding) and are a habitat for many species


Identify who is correct and the process they are talking about. 

Rosa, uplift


What is the name of "F" and what caused it? 

Fault- caused by an earthquake


I want to see how fast ice freezes in a freezer at different temperatures. I put ice in a freezer at 30 degrees, 10 degrees, and -10 degrees and time how long it takes for the ice to freeze. What is the independent variable and the dependent variable?

Independent- temperature of freezer 

Dependent- time taken to freeze


Identify C

Compaction and Cementation


Describe 2 negative impacts deforestation. 

1. deforestation causes more erosion, which can remove healthy soil 

2. deforestation causes destruction of natural habitats 


Explain the Law of Superposition and why it may not be best to use in the situation below. 

Law of Superposition states that older rock layers will be below younger rock layers if they are undisturbed. These are disturbed (they have been folded) so it may be hard to compare positions.


Describe the difference between relative and absolute dating, including which is more accurate. 

Relative dating uses the Law of Superposition, which states that older rock layers will be below younger rock layers. Absolute dating uses carbon or radioactive dating to get the actual age of the rock, which is more accurate. 


You are evaluating the effect of different types of fertilizers on plant growth. You plant 12 tomato plants and divide them into three groups, where each group contains four plants. To the first group, you do not add fertilizer and the plants are watered with plain water. The second and third groups are watered with two different brands of fertilizer. After three weeks, you measure the growth of each plant in centimeters and calculate the average growth for each type of fertilizer.

List the independent and dependent variables. 

Independent- fertilizer

Dependent- plant growth
