The present tense of the 3rd Conj, io verbs adds the extra i in these two places
What are the 1st person singular and the 3rd person plural?
The imperative singular and plural of amo, amare, amavi, amatum
What are ama and amate?
What are
a ae
ae arum
ae is
am as
a is
Sailor in the vocative singular case
What is nauta?
Caelum, Caeli
Sky / Heaven
The present system stem is formed off of this principle part
The singular and plural imperative of moneo, monere, monui, monitum
What are mone and monete?
The second declension Masculine endings
What are
us i
i orum
o is
um os
o is
servant in the Vocative singular
What is serve
Omnis, omne
The imperfect tense of Capio, capere
What is
Capiebam Capiebamus
Capiebas Capiebatis
Capiebat Capiebant
The singular and plural imperative of mitto, mittere, misi, missum
What are mitte, mittite?
The 2nd Declension neuter endings
What are
um a
i orum
o is
um a
o is
Son in the vocative singular
What is Fili?
Capio, capere, cepi, captum
To seize
The perfect stem is formed off of this principle part
What is the 3rd Principle part?
these are two of the four irregular imperatives
What are Dic, duc, fac, fer? (any two)
The 3rd Declension Masc./Fem. endings
what are
- es
is um
i ibus
em es
e ibues
King in the vocative plural
What is reges?
Disco, discere, didici
To learn
The future tense of Capio, capere
What is
Capiam Capiemus
Capies Capietis
Capiet Capient
This little ditty can help us remember the four irregular imperatives
What is "duc, dic, fac, and fer should have an E, but the E ain't there!"
The neuter rule
What is the Nom and Acc matching, and Nom/Acc pl ending in a?
Mother in the vocative singular
What is mater?
Facio, facere, feci, factum
To make / do