1920's - Part 1
1920's - Part 2
Stock Market Crash
The Great Depression
FDR & The New Deal

What is nativism?

Hostility towards immigrants

The promotion/protection of the interests of native-born citizens over those of immigrants


Which amendment gave women the right to vote and helped further the path towards equality?

The 19th Amendment


What does it mean to "buy on credit"?

Why is this potentially worrisome?

1. Buying on credit refers to buying something immediately, but not paying it off right away. People often take out installment plans to help them pay for things over time.

2. Buying on credit and taking out loans on installment is fine...as long as you can pay it back. But some people are buying things they really cannot afford.


What are Hoovervilles?

"Shantytowns" or cardboard cities built by homeless people

What is the primary difference between conservative and liberal ideology? 

Which one does Hoover align with? What about FDR?

1. Conserative ideology: cherishing and preserving traditional values and the status quo

2. Liberal ideology: More open to progress and political, economic, and social change

3. Hoover = conservative

4. FDR = liberal


What were some of the factors that led to rising nativism?

- Extreme patiotism and nationalism 

- Religious intolerance

- Urban conditions

- Job scarcity


What are some of forms of mass media we begin to see in the 1920's?

Film, print, and broadcast (radio)


1. What is it called if you place high-risk investments in the Stock Market hoping you will get huge returns?

2. What is it called if you buy stock on borrowed $?

1. Speculation

2. Buying on Margin


What was the name of the march where veterans wanted their promised compensation from WWI to be paid early due to the effects of the Great Depression?

The Bonus Army March on Washington


What does FDR mean when he says "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"?

He means that our fear "paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance".

In other words, fear is holding us back. We need to come together. Don't let fear hold us back from making progress needed.


Which event describes the movement of primarily African Americans from the south to the north to escape the Jim Crow south and obtain employment opportunities?

The Great Migration


What is the significance of the rise of mass media in the 1920's?

1. It provides another source of entertainment

2. It connects Americans in new ways and allows for people to be connected and access information easier than ever before

Fill in the blanks:

Congress was worried about protecting American business interests, so they (1. raised/lowered) tariffs on other countries. In response, other countries (2. raised/lowered) tariffs on the US. This means it is (3. more/less) expensive to sell goods to other countries, so therefore, our export sales go (4. up/down).

1. raised

2. raised

3. more

4. down


Identify whether the Great Depression increased or decreased these factors:

1. Business production

2. Wages and income

3. Famine

1. Decreased

2. Decreased

3. Increased


What does FDR say he is prepared to do in the event that Congress does not act quickly enough and fails to take action?

He is prepared to ask Congress for "broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe".


Which movement was a result of the Great Migration north?

Hint: This movement also included the expression of black culture through music, art, literature, and political activity.

The Harlem Renaissance


What made complex factory operations simpler by diving the operations into simpler tasks?

The assembly line


What was the Federal Reserve doing with interest rates during most of the 1920's? What did this lead to?

What SHOULD they have been doing?

1. The Fed kept interest rates LOW. This meant people kept borrowing more and more, and also contributed to overproduction.

2. They should have RAISED them, becuase this would have slowed down the economy.


What caused the Dust Bowl?

Decades of new settlers and towns being built + Farming practices that removed the nutrients from the soil + Natural Weather Conditions


Identify the 3 R's of the New Deal. 

Then, explain whether each one is aimed at helping people in the short, medium, or long term.

1. Relief = short term (immediate help; band-aid)

2. Recovery = medium term (begin econ growth)

3. Reform = long term (structural changes to gvt and policies)


Now, I should say that I am not only innocent of all these things, not only have I never committed a real crime in my life--though some sins but not crimes. We were tried during a time whose character has now passed into history. I mean by that, a time when there was a hysteria of resentment and hate against the people of our principles, against the foreigner, against slackers...

This quote is from what famous trial?

What is the speaker in this quote referring to when he says "hysteria"?

1. The Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

2. The Red Scare


1. Which amendment outlawed the selling, manufacture, and transporation of alcohol?

2. Why would some people have supported this?

3. What ended up being a major result of this amendment being passed into law?

1. The 18th Amendment

2. They believed that alcohol caused crime, violence, and the breakup of families

3. There was an increase in organized crime becuase of the illegal alcohool trade


Look at the business cycle on the board.

Identify where the economy was at point C, and explain what type of monetary policy we should use to correct this.

Then, identify where the economy was at point B, and explain what type of monetary policy we should use to correct this.

At point C, we are in a period of rapid expansion. We should use CONTRACTIONARY monetary policy (like raising interest rates) to slow the economy down.

At point B, we are in a depression/recession/trough. We should use EXPANSIONARY monetary policy (like lowering interest rates) to speed the economy up.


Why did some farmers destroy their crops and dump out milk?

The price of these crops/milk had fallen so low that it became nearly impossible for farmers to make a profit selling them. Therefore, it was actually better if they destoyed the crops, becuase that would reduce the supply in hopes of increasing prices again. 


For each program, identify whether it is an example of Relief, Recovery, or Reform.

1. WPA (Works Progress Administration)

2. The Emergency Banking Relief Act

3. The Social Securities Administration

4. The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp.)

5. The Red Cross

1. Recovery

2. Relief

3. Reform

4. Relief

5. Relief
