Vocabulary: Movement
Grammar:Be going to
Grammar: Be going to vs Will

Choose the correct option: 

"How much did you spend/prize/pay for these shoes?"

How much did you pay for these shoes?


How do you call this action?

Run around


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb "to be":

1. _____ you going to have a foreign holiday this year? Yes, I _____

2. _____ Alex going to become a doctor?

No, she ________

1. Are / am

2. Is / isn't


Match 1-3 to A-C:

1. Oh no, look! She                 A.going to be rich?

2. Are they                             B. won't be long

3. Wait there. The train           C. 's going to fall

1.C        2.A       3. B


What's Jennifer's favourite part of the UK? 


Choose the incorrect words:

1. Did you sell/save/earn this money?

2. I want to spend/buy/sell these shoes

3. That's a lot of pocket/cash/prize money!

4.It takes a long time to win/save/earn 5000€!

1. sell

2. spend

3. cash

4. win


Choose the correct option:

1. Don't dive into/over that water! It isn't very deep.

2. Stand along/on the table so that people can see you.

3. oh no! She's going to fall off/across her horse!





Correct the mistakes:

1. You are going buying her present

2. Is Pepita go to run the marathon? 

3. He isn't going prepare the lunch

1. You are going to buy her present

2. Is Pepita going to run the marathon?

3. He isn't going to prepare the lunch


Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or going to

1. Do you think he ______ win the race?

2. Oh no! That man ______ fall into the sea!

1. will

2. is going to


How do you call in English the writing you do in order to practise for the final writing? (Esborrany)



Complete the sentences with the appropriate words related to money:

"Sometimes my parents give my some __________ money, since I am ________ to buy a pair of new trainers. However, if I _____ the lottery, I will _______ it on a new house for my grandma. She always ______  my cravings!"

"Sometimes my parents give my some pocket money, since I am saving to buy a pair of new trainers. However, if I win the lottery, I will spend it on a new house for my grandma. She always pays for  my cravings!"


Complete the sentences (according to the mud run reading):

1. He's going to crawl under the ____

2. He's going to swim through the ____

3. He's going to fall off the _____

1. net

2. tunnel

3. bridge


Complete the sentence:

-So, now that you are rich, what (you/do) with the money? 

-Well, (I/buy) a new house, and (my sister/travel) around the world. 

1. What are you going to do with the money?

2. Well, I am going to buy / my sister is going to travel


Say if these sentences are correct or incorrect, and correct these last ones:

1. Watch out! That glass will fall off the table

1. Our dog will have puppies. I'm so excited!

3. He's driving very dabgerously. He's going to have an accident. 

1. Incorrect. That glass is going to fall

2. Incorrect. Our dog is going to have puppies.

3. Correct


Say two synonyms for the word "broke"

Poor / Penniless


Correct the mistakes of the Italic words:

1. How much money do you win on food?

2. Do you have 50p for the parking meter? Sorry, I don't have any cash - just a 20€ note.

3.Oh no! I walked out of the shop without paying on this book!

1. spend




Complete the sentences:

1. I think he's going to ________ his bike.

2. This wall goes all the way around the garden. To get out, _____ it, and jump over the top. 

3.She's going to _____ a chair while she paints the top part of the wall.

1. I think he's going to fall off his bike.

2. This wall goes all the way around the garden. To get out, climb up it, and jump over the top.

3.She's going to stand on a chair while she paints the top part of the wall.


Write a question with be going to and answer with your own words. 

"you/become/ a doctor/ when you grow up?"

Yes, I am / No, I am not

+ open answer


Complete the sentences using will or be going to with the following verbs. 

BE             GO  OUT           WIN

1. Do you think you _________ rich when you're 40?

2. I think Jess _____ the dance competition, she's an amazing dancer!

3. I'm sure Joe ______ later - he's running a marathon tomorrow

1. will be

2. will win

3.isn't going to go out


Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"? 

William Shakespeare


Explain/describe these words (no translation):


2. win

3. Prize money


Explain 3 different exercises one can do in a mud run

Open answer 


Imagine you win 500€ in a competition. Write five sentences about what you are/aren't going to do with the money. 

You can't make any mistake. 

Open answer


Make 3 sentences with be going to and 3 with will. All the verbs must be properly used.

Open answer.


What's the capital of Belarus? 

