Middle Eastern country that is the largest in terms of total land mass.
Saudi Arabia
In Afghanistan near the mountains, you might see this on the ground from time to time in the Winter months.
This minority branch of Muslims believes that the Caliph or leader of Islam must be a blood relative of the Prophet Muhammad.
This nation invaded Afghanistan in 1979, leading to large numbers of refugees fleeing the country.
Soviet Union (Russia)
This country ruined relations with the U.S. forever over a hostage crisis that occurred during an Islamic Revolution they experienced.
This desert located primarily within the African continent stretches into the Middle East as well.
The holiest city in the Middle East in the Jewish faith.
Prior to 1979, this term was used to describe the Emperor of the country that experienced the Islamic Revolution.
Middle Eastern country that occupies part of South Eastern Europe and can be easily remembered by thinking of the name of a bird.
This body of water in the Middle East has biblical significance in the Christian faith, as where Moses parted to allow the Israelites to cross.
Red Sea
This is a place of worship in the Christian faith.
On 9/11, Al-Qaeda carried out a terrorist attack on the United States at these 2 locations.
World Trade Center and Pentagon
Middle Eastern country that is small but is always in the news given its unfriendly neighbors believing it occupies very valuable territory that should belong to someone else.
The Taurus, Zagros, and ___________ mountains are the 3 ranges that are located in the Middle East. (Think Geography Book)
Atlas Mountains
This is the holy book of Islam.
This European nation first came up with the term "Middle East" in describing the region between Arabia and India.
Great Britain
Middle Eastern country that fought in a war against the U.S. in the early 21st century and who provided the namesake of the war.
The 2 most common climate zones present in the Middle East are Desert and ______________.
This was the prophet for Judaism who nearly killed his son based on God's orders.
This man was the leader of Al-Qaeda who masterminded the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States.
Osama Bin Laden