What is the the Affordable care act of 2010?
It expanded healthcare coverage to millions of previously uninsured people and families, with supplies like Individual mandate, health insurance marketplaces, subsidies for low-income people and families, and medicaid expansion.
What was the name of the court case from 2015?
King V. Burwell.
When was the first healthcare system created?
The 1600s-1800s by early settlements & colonies.
What are the 2 insurance programs in America?
Medicare & medicaid.
What are the ways to get involved?
Get Informed, speaking out, supporting local initiatives, understanding your current coverage, donating to relevant causes, & talking to your doctor.
When was the COBRA Act created?
In 1985
When did the Roe v. Wade court case occur?
During which war was the US Army Medical Department was created?
The Civil War.
How many Americans are covered by Medicare?
How many Americans are covered by Medicaid?
Medicare covers over 65 million people.
Medicaid covers more than 72 million people.
During which years were there several changes to the healthcare system?
During the 19th and early 20th centuries, there were several changes to the healthcare system.
When was the first social security law was passed?
The first social security law was passed in 1935
what was the Planned Parenthood V. Casey (1992) about?
Upheld the core holding of Roe V. Vade but introduced the “undue burden” standard for abortion restrictions.
During the Civil War where were the healthcare advances?
There were advances in military medicine.
What was the totaled US healthcare spending?
US healthcare spending totaled approximately $4.9 trillion.
What did the G.I. Bill do during the 20th century?
During the mid 20th century The G.I. Bill of 1944 provided healthcare benefits for veterans returning from WWII.
What was the HMO Act of 1973?
it allowed health maintenance organizations to operate, providing different healthcare models.
When did the National Federation of Independent Business V. Sebelius court case occur?
What year was The first American Medical Association founded?
The first American Medical Association was founded in 1847.
How many people were uninsured in America?
The US had approximately 25.3 million uninsured people.
What year was the G.I. Bill created?
What was the HIPAA Act of 1996
The act set standards for healthcare insurance coverage and protected patient confidentiality.
What was the Wickard V. Filburn court case about?
Stated that the federal government has the power to regulate healthcare under the commerce clause.
What did the first social security law do?
The first social security law included supplies for healthcare benefits for the elderly & disabled. The act created a foundation for modern social welfare programs.
What percentages were black & hispanic people more likely to lack healthcare insurance?
Black & Hispanic people were more likely to lack healthcare insurance (14.5% & 17.1%)
Why was the social security act changed?
The Social Security Act was changed to create Medicare and Medicaid