Masculine vs Feminine Articles
Definite Articles w/ Preference
Negative Phrases

What are the six present tense forms of 'avoir'

ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont


What are the two gendered articles representative of "the" in French?



True or False: When expressing preferences in French, you use the articles de la, du, d l', and des.

False, we use definite articles (i.e. le, la, les, l')


What is the feminine form of the adjective "nice/kind" in French?



When changing an affirmative statement (using the articles un, une, and des) into a negative sentence, you change each of these articles into ne...pas __?

Ex. J'ai une radio --> Je n'ai pas __ radio

ne...pas de

Translate this sentence into English: J'ai trois chats et il a deux chiens.

"I have three cats and he has two dogs."

Complete the sentence with the correct article: __ stylo est noir.

Le stylo est noir. 


Insert the correct articles into the following sentence: 1. "J'aime __ musique."

2. "Est-ce que tu préféres __ football ou __ basketball?"

1. la

2. le, le


What are the adjectives of nationality (both masculine and feminine) for people from America, France, and Italy?

américain(e), français(e), italien/italienne


Translate the following sentence into French: "You don't have a TV."

"Tu n’as pas de télé.


Translate this sentence into English: "Nous avons une cousine à Paris. Elle n'a pas une voiture, mais elle a un vélo."

"We have a cousin in Paris. She does not have a car, but she has a bike."


Fill in the blanks with the correct article: 

1. __ livre est intéressant.

2. __ télé est sous __ affiche.

3. __ calculatrice et __ cahier sont sur __ bureau.


1. Le

2. La, la

3. La, le, le


Insert the correct articles into the blanks of the following sentences:

1. "Nous n'aimons pas __ violence ou __ injustice."

2. "Je ne préfére pas __ camping. Je n'aime pas __ nature.

1. la, l'

2. lela


Translate the sentences into English: 

1. "Le restaurant français est bon."

2. "Mon frère est blond, ma sœur a les cheveux bruns." 

3. "Il a des amis canadiens. Ils sont gentils."

1. "The French restaurant is good."

2. "My brother is blond, my sister has brown hair."

3. "He has Canadian friends. They are nice."


Translate the following sentences into French:

1. "We are not inviting any friends."

2. "John does not have a bike."

1. "Nous n’invitons pas de copains." (or, d'amis)

2. "John n’a pas de vélo."


Translate this sentence into French: "On my desk, I have a calculator, a computer, and four books. In my desk, there are three pencils, two posters, and a notebook."

"Sur mon bureau, j’ai une calculatrice, un ordinateur et quatre livres. Dans mon bureau, il y a trois crayons, deux affiches et un cahier."


Translate the sentences into French: "The lamp is on the table. The desk is next to the bed."

"La lampe est sur la table. Le bureau est devant la fenêtre."


Translate the following sentence into French: 

1. "I like the cinema, but I do not like the theatre."

2. "I prefer math, but I like french and science."

1. "J’aime le cinéma, mais je n’aime pas le théâtre."

2. "Je préfère les maths, mais j’aime le français et les sciences."


What is/are the acronym/categories of adjectives that come before the noun? 

BONUS 400: create your own sentence using at least one of these nouns







Translate the affirmative and negative sentence into French:

1. "I have a calculator."

2. "I do not have a calculator."

1. "J’ai une calculatrice."

2. "Je n’ai pas de calculatrice."


Translate the dialogue into French: 

Person 1: "Do you have a brother in Atlanta?"

Person 2: "Yes, I have a brother in Atlanta. He has a cute dog."

Person 1: "Does he have a car or a bike?"

Person 2: "He has a white car."

Person 1: "Est-ce que tu as un frère à Atlanta?"

Person 2: "Oui, j'ai un frère à Atlanta. Il a un chien mignon."

Person 1: "Est-ce qu'il a une voiture ou un vélo?"

Person 2: "Il a une voiture blanche."


Translate the sentences into French: 

1. "The professor is blond. The guitar is brown."

2. "The large poster. The small pen."

1. "Le prof est blond. La guitare est marron."

2. "La grande affiche. Le petit stylo."


Translate the following sentence into French: "On Saturdays, I have dinner with my friends. They like music, dancing, and tennis."

"Le samedi, je dîne avec mes amis. Ils aiment la musique, la danse et le tennis."


Translate the sentences into French:

1. "I am dining in a Japanese restaurant."

2. "My mom is intelligent and kind. She is blonde and American."

3. "The big white house."

1. "Je dîne dans un restaurant japonais."

2. "Ma mère est intelligente et gentille. Elle est blonde et américaine."

3. "La grande maison blanche."


Translate each affirmative and negative sentence into French:

1. "There is a radio in the room."

2. "There is not a radio in the room."

3. "Mark is a neighbor." 

4. "Mark is not a neighbor."

1. "Il y a une radio dans la chambre."

2. "Il n’y a pas de radio dans la chambre."

3. "Mark est un voisin."

4. "Mark n’est pas un voisin."
