"He-y, Come on Ou-t!"
Excerpt from My Side of the Mountain
Grandmother Spider // "Of Wolves & Men"
“The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child”

 In “He—y, Come On Ou—t!,” how do the villagers come to discover the hole?

A landslide has swept away a shrine that had covered it.


At the beginning of the selection, what does the narrator find that makes him think the old tree will make a good home?

A hole


How did Grandmother Spider manage to steal the Sun?

By weaving a web around it


In “The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child,” which feature of the wild boy makes doctors and scientists most wonder whether he is human?

His inability to speak


Use the word disposal correctly in a sentence.

The disposal of rotten food into a compost pile is a great way for us to lessen our impact on the environment.


 In “He—y, Come On Ou—t!,” what is remarkable about the hole that the villagers discover?

It seems to be bottomless.


In the selection, how does the narrator mostly feel at first, when he is trying to find food?

Discouraged by how much effort finding food takes


Referring to Buzzard in "How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun," the narrator says that he can be seen “circling the sun to this day.” What does this mean?

Buzzards fly in a wheeling (or rotating) motion pattern high up in the sky.


In “The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child,” what happens to the wild boy immediately after Sicard grows unhappy with his lack of progress?

A young doctor takes the boy home and names him Victor.


The word desert has more than one meaning. What is most likely the meaning of desert in this excerpt from “The Old, Old Tree?”: I began to think the whole inspiration of a home in the tree was no good. I really did have to live near water for cooking and drinking and comfort. I looked sadly at the magnificent hemlock and was about to put the fire out and desert it when I said something to myself.

To leave behind


Read these lines from “He—y, Come On Ou—t!”: 

The police felt comforted as they used the hole to get rid of accumulations of expertly done counterfeit bills. Criminals breathed easier after throwing material evidence into the hole. 

In general, how does the hole seem to make people feel?



Read this excerpt from “The Old, Old Tree.”: 

Where was I going to get a bucket? How did I think, even if I found water, I could get it back to the tree? That's how citified I was in those days. I had never lived without a bucket before—scrub buckets, water buckets—and so when a water problem came up, I just thought I could run to the kitchen and get a bucket.

When the narrator uses the word citified, what is he mainly saying about himself?

His knowledge of how to do things is based on how townspeople live.


Following the killing of dogs described in the selection from Of Wolves and Men, people had different theories about why it happened. Which of these theories are mentioned in the text?

Wolves just naturally hate dogs.


In “The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child,” what main reason does Sicard have for giving up on teaching the wild boy?

The boy does not seem to be learning.


What does the context suggest is most likely the meaning of excess in this excerpt from Of Wolves and Men?: And they don’t always kill just what they need; they sometimes kill in excess.

More than necessary


Read this paragraph from “He—y, Come On Ou—t!”:

 One newspaper reporter tied a weight to the end of a long cord and lowered it into the hole. A long way down it went. The cord ran out, however, and he tried to pull it out, but it would not come back up. Two or three people helped out but when they all pulled too hard, the cord parted at the edge of the hole. Another reporter, a camera in hand, who had been watching all of this, quietly untied a stout rope that had been wound around his waist. 

What had the reporter with the camera most likely been planning to do?

To lower himself and his camera into the hole


In the excerpt, the narrator is building a home far from civilization. What is most likely his reason for doing so?

He is hiding out to escape from his former situation.


According to the selection from Of Wolves and Men, what is one question that scientists have so far been unable to answer?

Why do wolves sometimes kill animals in the prime of health?


 What is most likely the meaning of claimed in this excerpt from “The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child”?: There were rumors about whose child he might be, but no one ever claimed him as theirs.

Declared rights over


Use the word subsequent correctly in a sentence.

I didn't do my essay, subsequently, I earned a bad grade in English.


The people in “He—y, Come On Ou—t!” believe that their “problems…would gradually be resolved by the hole.” What is the first sign that they are incorrect?

Things that were thrown into the hole suddenly begin to reappear.


What does this excerpt from “The Old, Old Tree” suggest about the narrator?: 

Then I sewed a big skunk cabbage leaf into a cup with grass strands. I had read that you can boil water in a leaf, and ever since then I had been very anxious to see if this were true.

He is inventive and knowledgeable.

Turn your papers over for this question.

Barry Lopez


How do Itard’s conclusions contrast with those of modern doctors in this excerpt from “The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child”?

While Itard thought that Victor chose not to speak, doctors now would agree that he missed a developmental window of opportunity. By the time Itard began to teach him, it was believed that Victor’s brain was no longer capable of learning language.

Itard thought that Victor’s lack of speech was deliberate. Modern doctors think he was too old to learn.


What is most likely the meaning of cascade in this excerpt from “The Old, Old Tree?”: I plunged into the woods beyond, and there I discovered the gorge and the white cascade splashing down the black rocks into the pool below.

