Loyalists and the Crown
American Revolution
Continental Army
British Army

A royal governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony who believed the colonists could not govern themselves without the British king and Parliament to guide them.

Who was Thomas Hutchinson?


A popular and well respected Patriot. This person at first did not favor independence; however when Great Britain did not treat the colonists fairly, he sided with the Patriots.

Think $100 bill.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


As a result of the French and Indian War, Great Britain owed this amount of debt.

What was one hundred forty million pounds (£140,000,000)?


An advantage for the Continental Army was they knew this (a.k.a. home field advantage).

What was terrain?


An advantage for the British Army was they were well trained, established, and this.

What was experienced?


A royal governor of Virginia Colony who felt that being tough would frighten the colonists into accepting British rule.

Who was Lord Dunmore?


This person was a skilled speaker who delivered powerful speeches on behalf of the Patriots' perspective.  He is known for the famous quote, “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Who was Patrick Henry?


The Stamp Act of 1765 did this for the very first time.

What was Parliament's first direct tax on the American colonies?


An advantage for the Continental Army was they had this general who inspired courage, hope, and confidence in his soldiers.

Who was George Washington?


One disadvantage for the British Army was they were over 3,000 miles from England so that made them this.

What was far from home?


A religious leader in Maryland Colony who used his sermons to spread Loyalist beliefs. This person believed that disobeying the king was like disobeying God.

Who was Jonathan Boucher?


In 1765, this person organized a group called The Sons of Liberty. He also said it was unfair that the king chose governors for the colonies.

Who was Samuel Adams?


What famous man from Virginia Colony was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


A disadvantage for the Continental Army was at the beginning of the Revolitionary War, they were this.

What was inexperienced? 


A disadvantage for the British Army was they underestimated General Washington and the Continental Army and thought they would be home by this date.

What was Christmas 1776?


A famous artist during the Road to the Revolution whose father-in-law imported the tea that caused the Boston Tea Party.

Who was John Singleton Copley?


A writer and a poet from Massachusetts Bay Colony who favored independence from Great Britain. She showed that women had a duty to speak out against Great Britain.

Who was Mercy Otis Warren?


The "Shot Heard 'Round the World" on April 19, 1775 happened in this colony.

What was Massachusetts Bay Colony?


A disadvantage for the Continental Army was this group of delegates had little money to pay soldiers, buy supplies, or provide weapons.

What was Congress?


An advantage for the British Army was they had 8,000 of their own soldiers and additional 30,000 from this foreign army.

What were Hessians?


This Native American was a Loyalist who met with King George III in 1776 and was assured that the land disputes would be dealt with once the war with the colonies was over.

Who was Thayendanega (a.k.a. Joseph Brant)?


He was famous for writing powerful, inspirational words in Common Sense and The American Crisis to inspire the Patriots' cause.

Who was Thomas Paine?


This is the name of the general of the Continental Army, who would later be elected first President of the new United States of America.

Who was George Washington?


An advantage for the Continental Army was they had a strong motivation to do this so they could "begin the world over again."

What was win?


An advantage for the British Army was this governing body had money for food, weapons, and supplies.

What was Parliament?
