American Attitudes and Political Core Values
Political Socialization & Ideology
Measuring Public Opinion
Ideology and Economic Policy
Ideology and Policy Making

This major party is likely to support legislation creating a government program to address the widening income gap in the U.S.

What are the Democrats? 


This is the number one influence on people's political ideology 

What is the "family"? 


These polls are given to people directly before or after they vote.

What are entrance/exit polls? 


An individual's tax rate increases as their income increases

What is a progressive tax rate? 

political ideology that supports making English the official language of the US to unite Americans of all backgrounds and save government spending on translators. 

What is conservative? 


This major party is likely to support traditions and small government that provides fewer services. 

What is the Republican party? 


A person's experiences, exposure to political and social events, and cultural influences during their formative years can shape their political beliefs and values.  An example is the silent generation being more likely to trust that the government based on experiences during the Great Depression.

What is the generational effect? 


This reliable scientific polling strategy picks a few respondents that adequately represents the entire population

What is random sampling? 


Congress creates this policy by making decisions about taxation and government spending. 

What is fiscal policy?


When a minority culture is absorbed into a majority culture. 

What is assimilation? 


This places an individual's self-interests above the group; people pursue their own self-interests with little government interference

What is individualism? 


This refers to how a person's political views can change throughout their life as they age and experience different stages of life. Example - A recent high school grad is most interested in college tuition assistance whereas recent college grads are most interested in getting a job post-graduation.

What is the life cycle effect?


A statistic expressing the amount of random sampling error in the results of a survey or poll.  Usually 4% or less is considered satisfactory 

What is margin of error? 


The fiscal policy that holds the key task is to stimulate the supply of goods by cutting the tax rates.

What is Supply-Side economics


Values and upholds the distinct cultures of the people that live in the United States

What is multiculturalism? 


Republicans tend to place high value on this concept, that no one is above the law and all citizens (regardless of status) are held accountable for their actions.

What is the Rule of Law? 


Because Millennials experienced the 9/11 attacks they are more likely to support this law

What is the Patriot Act? 


This happens when participants in a survey provide the response that they believe the pollster is looking for. 

What is social-desirability bias? 


The fiscal policy that emphasizes that more government spending could help weather bad times in the economy 

What is Keynesian Economic theory? 


The Democrat-sponsored law that reflects liberal ideology in policy-making, signed as an executive order under the Obama administration, this set higher criteria for the deportation of minors who came into the US illegally. 

What is the DREAM Act? 


The core value of encouraging government "Laissez-faire" economic policies that allow the market to operate with little regulation or intervention in the economy. 

What is free enterprise? 


One of the events that tested the Baby Boomer's trust in government and saw the rise of investigative journalism to root out government corruption.

What is the Vietnam War 

What is the Watergate scandal? 


During the 2016 election, polls wrongly predicted Hillary Clinton would win.  This explanation for why the polls failed focused on how Trump supporters' distrust of mainstream media may have led many to avoid responding to pollsters. 

What is non-response bias? 


A set of actions taken by the Federal Reserve Board to influence the money supply and economy. 

What is Monetary Policy?


The conservative law signed under Bill Clinton that limited welfare payments to five years. 

What is the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act 1996? 
