A child watches their parent use utensils correctly and later imitates the behavior at the dinner table. This is an example of this type of learning.
What is observational learning?
This Russian physiologist accidentally discovered classical conditioning while studying the digestive system of dogs.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
This psychologist is known as the "father of operant conditioning" and developed the concept of reinforcement.
Who is B.F. Skinner?
A dog gets a treat every time it sits on command. This is an example of this type of reinforcement schedule.
What is a continuous reinforcement schedule?
What is a fixed ratio schedule?
This Russian physiologist discovered the process of classical conditioning by accident while studying the digestive systems of dogs.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
This type of learning occurs when two or more ideas or stimuli become linked together in the mind, allowing individuals to predict future events.
What is association?
In Pavlov's experiment, this was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) that naturally caused salivation.
What is food?
This process gradually teaches a behavior by reinforcing successive approximations toward the desired behavior.
What is shaping?
Slot machines operate on this type of reinforcement schedule, which leads to high, steady rates of responding.
What is a variable-ratio schedule?
This psychologist developed the idea of operant conditioning and used a "box" to study how consequences shape voluntary behavior.
Who is B.F. Skinner?
Learning that takes place but is not immediately demonstrated until a reward is introduced is known as this type of learning.
What is latent learning?
A previously neutral stimulus that, after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, triggers a learned response is known as this.
What is a conditioned stimulus (CS)?
In operant conditioning, a consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated is called this.
What is reinforcement?
If a rat is rewarded every 5 lever presses, this type of schedule is being used.
What is a fixed-ratio schedule?
This psychologist is famous for his Bobo doll experiment, which demonstrated the effects of observational learning on children's aggressive behavior.
Who is Albert Bandura?
After failing several math tests despite studying, a student stops trying altogether, believing they can never succeed. This concept is known as this.
What is learned helplessness?
This is the stage of classical conditioning where the connection between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is first established.
What is acquisition?
This principle, developed by Edward Thorndike, states that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are more likely to be repeated.
What is the law of effect?
This reinforcement schedule is used when employees receive a paycheck every two weeks, regardless of performance.
What is a fixed-interval schedule?
This researcher emphasized observable behavior and conducted the famous "Little Albert" experiment to demonstrate the effects of classical conditioning on emotions.
Who is John B. Watson?
Unlike traditional learning methods, this form of learning emphasizes the role of social context and interpersonal relationships in shaping behavior.
What is social learning?
If a conditioned stimulus (like a bell) is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus (like food), this process occurs.
What is extinction?
When a child receives a reprimand for misbehaving, they are less likely to repeat the behavior. This is an example of this concept.
What is punishment?
When reinforcement is delivered after an unpredictable amount of time, like checking for email notifications, this schedule is at play.
What is a variable-interval schedule?
This researcher demonstrated that animals could develop taste aversions when they associate certain foods with illness.
Who is John Garcia?
This type of learning occurs suddenly, often in the form of an "aha" moment, when a solution to a problem becomes immediately clear.
What is insight learning?
When a previously extinguished conditioned response suddenly reappears after a rest period, it is called this.
What is spontaneous recovery?
This occurs when a stimulus is removed after a behavior, increasing the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated.
What is Negative Reinforcement?
This reinforcement schedule is known to produce the fastest learning but also the quickest extinction once reinforcement stops.
What is continuous reinforcement?
This psychologist showed that rats could learn to navigate a maze even without reinforcement, suggesting the concept of latent learning.
Who is Edward Tolman?
When people believe that certain actions, like knocking on wood, will influence future outcomes, they are engaging in this type of behavior.
What is superstitious behavior?
When a person responds to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus, but not identical, this concept is demonstrated.
What is stimulus generalization?
This occurs when a child stops playing with a toy they used to love after being rewarded with candy every time they played with it.
What is the overjustification effect?
This schedule is most resistant to extinction, as behavior persists even when reinforcement is rare or unpredictable.
What is a variable-ratio schedule?
This psychologist emphasized the cognitive factors in classical conditioning and argued that learning depends on the predictability of the relationship between stimuli.
Who is Robert Rescorla?