This poll is taken to gauge general feelings about a topic
Opinion poll
Ideology that prioritizes sustainability and social issues
What is a party platform?
A platform outlines the party policies and stances
This type of economics says government should increase spending and lower taxes during economic downturn
This type of poll is done on election day after voting
exit polls
Ideology that prioritizes reducing government assistance programs and limited government
What is a plank?
Specifics of a party platform on individual issues
This type of economics says that in times of economic downturn, the government should incentivize businesses with deregulation and tax cuts
Supply side
When collecting poll data pollsters should make sure that their sample is
This party advocates for lower taxes, small government and deregulation of business
Independent agency that aims to promote employment and ensuring price stability (keeping down inflation)
The Federal Reserve
1. Campaigns do this type of poll early in a campaign to know what to improve
2. Campaigns use this poll throughout a campaign to monitor public opinions
1. Benchmark poll
2. Tracking poll
FDR is linked to _____________ ideology
Reagan is linked to ________________ ideology
Liberal, conservative
This party advocates for welfare programs and regulations in business
Keynesian economics follows ______ ideology
Supply side follows ___________ ideology
liberal, conservative