Convert 3 ½ into an improper fraction.
Which is greater: 0.8 or ⅞
⅞ (0.875)
What is 12% as a fraction and a decimal?
12/100, 0.12
What integer represents moving back 5 spaces in a board game?
Convert 7/3 into a mixed number
2 ⅓
Put these in order from smallest to largest: 3/4, 0.65, 2/3
2/3 (0.666), 0.65, 3/4 (0.75)
Convert 65% into a fraction and decimal.
65/100, 0.65
What integer represents a temperature drop of 9°C?
Write 4.25 as a mixed number.
4 ¼
Which number is the smallest: -4, 0, -1, 2?
A quiz has 50 questions. You got 42 correct. What percentage is this?
42/50 = 84%
A submarine dives 200 meters below sea level. What integer represents this depth?
A pizza is cut into 5 equal slices. You eat 7 slices (from two pizzas). Write this as a mixed number.
1 2/5
A teacher ran a race in 0.75 seconds, and another ran it in 5/6 seconds. Who was faster?
0.75 is faster (5/6 = 0.8333)
Convert 4.6 into a mixed number and an improper fraction.
4 3/5, 23/5
Arrange these integers from least to greatest: -5, 8, -2, 0, -10
-10, -5, -2, 0, 8
Convert 2 ¾ into an improper fraction and a decimal rounded to the hundredths.
11/4 and 2.75
Put these in order from smallest to biggest: 3.2, 3 1/3, 3 ¼
3.2, 3 ¼ (3.25), 3 1/3 (3.333)
A school library has 80 books on display. If 25% of them are borrowed by students, how many books were taken?
20 books
The stock market went up 120 points yesterday and down 150 points today. What is the overall change?