This name also like the Greek word for Rock
What is Petros
This word means a radical change in form or appearance
This person is the mother of John the Baptist
The Jews
Moses and Elijah
This was Peter's original name
Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the 4,000 in this 'group' of cities
Uncovering his brothers nakedness/marrying his brothers wife
Jesus specifically said to not go to this group in Matthew 10
The Gentiles
This basket was big enough to carry a man and was used by Gentiles
Peter is said to preside over these ivory fences in heaven
This is used to describe the shape around Christ in art
The mandola (mandorla)
This person performed a 'solo dance' for Herod Antipas
These three apostles were at the Transfiguration
Peter, James, John
This kind of basket was small and used by Jews
At the Transfiguration, Peter wants to build these to honor Jesus
Jesus pays this because he doesn't want to offend people
What is the temple tax
A 'solo dance' in this time is considered to be
provocative and inappropriate
This is the first apostle to say who Christ is
Jesus feeds the 5,000
What is a Fisherman
This word is used to describe 'the destined hour of God'
Castle Machaerus
This is whom Jesus called 'the Beloved Disciple'
This word is used to describe 'opportunity time'