This major world event saw an increase in machine-made goods that began in England during the late 1700s.
What is ... the industrial revolution
This what is the image depicts
what is ... Child Labor Protest
According to the map, this part of Europe has the greatest number of languages.
What is ... Eastern Europe
The large global empire villainized in this image.
What is ... the British Empire
As shown in the map, this European country controlled much of Asia including India.
What is ... the British Empire
In this type of industry, clothing and other goods are made in small homes or cottages.
What is ... cottage industries
This image
What is ... poor working conditions
The belief that people’s greatest loyalty isn’t to a King or empire, but to a shared national identity.
What is ... Nationalism
The major global movement depicted in this event.
What is ... Imperialism
The seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country.
What is ... Imperialism
The consequences of this result of the Industrial Revolution saw overcrowding in cities, increased diseases, and contamination of water supplies.
What is ... urbanization/growth of cities
Every Englishmen ... waits patiently till there comes into his head, no one knows how, a burning conviction that it is his moral and religious duty to conquer those who have got the thing he wants.
This quote from George Bernard Shaw argues that Englishmen were motivated by these two things when conquering.
What is ... Moral and Religious duty
This element of nation can be broken down into dialects and allows people of a nation to communicate with one another.
What is ... Language
The major world event related to this image.
What is ... the Industrial Revolution
The belief that non-Europeans were considered to have lesser culture and biology than Europeans?
What is ... Social Darwinism
This type of social progress led to the Abolition of slavery, Women’s rights, Public education during the Industrial Revolution.
What is ... reform movements
What is ... the Berlin Conference
This nation was unified by the kingdom of Piedmont in a movement led by nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi.
What is ... Italy
The event this image depicts
What is ... the Scramble for Africa.
This event saw Europeans rapidly take over and divide African lands in the late 1800s.
What is ... the Scramble for Africa
This Scottish inventor revolutionized the steam engine by making it more efficient and able to power industrial machinery.
Who is ... James Watt
"Place in the hands of the King of Prussia the strongest possible military power, then he will be able to carry out the policy you wish; this policy cannot succeed through speeches, and shooting-matches, and songs; it can only be carried out through blood and iron"
In this Otto von Bismarck quote, he emphasized the importance of these two key factors in strengthening the state. (Hint: Both end with -ism)
What is ... Industrialism & Militarism
This nation was created after the former nation of Prussia went to war with the nations of Denmark, Austria, and France in the late 1800s.
What is ... Germany
The event this image depicts.
What is ... German Unification
In this form of Imperialism a country or territory is governed internally by a foreign power
What is ... a colony