R.1 Inferences & Evidence
R.2 Theme & Central Idea
R.4 Word Choice
R.5 Structure
R.8 Argument & Claim

Read the following excerpt.

An old woman in a cloak smiled and challenged Arachne to a weaving contest, which Arachne gladly accepted. The rules were simple: each would weave one complete tapestry by night fall, and customers would judge the winner.

Throughout the day, the two sat at looms, weaving furiously. Just before sunset, they finished. Both tapestries were marvelous to behold, but the crowd chose the old woman, for her creation was flawless. "Spin and weave forever without my help, fool," the old woman suddenly said, and pointing one finger at Arachne, turned her into a spider.

Which sentence best explains why Arachne was turned into a spider?

A. The old woman had special powers.

B. Arachne did not show her thanks to Athena.

C. Athena was disguised as the old woman.

D. Like Arachne, spiders are good at weaving.

What is D

Like Arachne, spiders are good at weaving.


Read the following paragraph.

If the snake population changes, other changes occur up and down the food chain. If the snake population increases, more snakes eat more mic. Fewer mice are left to eat acorns, so perhaps more acorns grow into oak trees. In addition, more snakes would mean more food for the hawks. Or, consider the alternative. IF the snake population decreases, the mouse population would increase. More mice would eat more acorns, so fewer oak trees would grow. And the hawk population, without snakes to hunt, might decrease as well. Changing one link in a food chain affects all of the other links, even if just in small ways.

Which of the following best summarizes the entire scientific account?

A. Some people think snakes are pests, but snakes are part of the food chain. They eat mice, which are the real pests.

B. Hawks are the fiercest predators in the food chain. They hunt snakes, keeping the snake population from getting too high.

C. A changing snake population would affect hawks. They would have less to eat, so there would be fewer hawks.

D. Snakes play an important role in a complex food chain. Their population size affects the number of mice, hawks, and oak trees.

What is D

Snakes play an important role in a complex food chain. Their population size affects the number of mice, hawks, and oak trees.


What does the italicized figure of speech mean in the sentence below?

A bold wind grabbed Mia's cap as she and her parents hiked down the trail.

A. The wind was bold and pushy.

B. The wind blew Mia's cap off her head.

C. Mia took her cap off her head because of the wind.

D. Someone took Mia's cap.

What is B

The wind blew Mia's cap off her head.


Read the following paragraph and determine what text structure it uses.

Ice-cream is a delicious frozen treat that comes in a many different colors and flavors.  Two of my favorite flavors are strawberry and chocolate.  Though both of these flavors are delicious, strawberry may contain pieces of fruit while chocolate usually will not.  Even though more chocolate ice-cream is sold across the country annually than strawberry, each flavor tastes great inside of a milk shake.

a.  cause and effect                             

b.  compare and contrast                     

c.  chronological

d.  spatial / descriptive                       

What is B

compare and contrast


Look at the following definition.

States an author's position about a topic and tries to get readers to agree with it

What is an ARGUMENT


Read the following excerpt.

Many anthropologists criticize Meldrum's work. They feel he is trying to find an imaginary creature that exists only in folklore. Meldrum tells critics he is not saying that Bigfoot exists. He just believes there is enough evidence to justify scientific investigation.

Unsurprisingly, most anthropologists reject Meldrum's evidence. Dr. David J. Daegling, a University of Florida anthropologist who thinks Meldrum's methods of analyzing data are unscientific, sums up this feeling: "Meldrum's evidence doesn't look better on deeper analysis; it looks worse."

Which sentence from the excerpt best supports the idea that most scientists do not find value in investigating Bigfoot artifacts?

A. "Many anthropologists criticize Meldrum's work."

B. "They feel he is trying to find an imaginary creature that exists only in folklore."

C. "Meldrum tells critics he is not saying that Bigfoot exists."

D. "He just believes there is enough evidence to justify scientific investigation."

What is B

"They feel he is trying to find an imaginary creature that exists only in folklore."


Read the following paragraph.

Penny licks were popular ice cream treats sold by street vendors in the mid to late 19th century. Buyers would pay one penny to be given one tiny serving of ice cream in a glass container. No spoons were used; buyers simply licked the glass dish clean and returned it to the vendor. The vendor would then reuse the dish. This obviously raised health concerns , and penny licks were banned in London in 1899. However, they were used in the United States into the 20th century until the ice cream cone became popular after the World's Fair in 1904.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

a. Ice cream has been a popular treat for many years.

b. People probably got sick after eating a penny lick.

c. Penny licks were used to serve ice cream before ice cream cones were invented.

d. Penny licks were used longer in the US than in England.

What is C

Penny licks were used to serve ice cream before ice cream cones were invented.


Cal drives an antique car.

Cal drives an ancient car.

Which of the italicized words (antique or ancient) has a more positive connotation or association?



Read the following paragraph and determine what text structure it uses.

Freezer burn may have wasted more ice-cream than sidewalks.  If you don’t know, freezer burn is when ice crystals form on the surface of ice-cream.  These ice crystals can ruin the texture and flavor of the ice cream.  But you can prevent freezer burn.  Since freezer burn is caused when melted ice-cream is refrozen, rather than eating your ice-cream from the container as it melts, scoop your ice-cream into a bowl and put the container back in the fridge immediately.  Doing this ought to help you solve your issues with freezer burn.

a.  problem and solution                     

b.  compare and contrast                     

c.  chronological

d.  spatial / descriptive                       

What is A

problem and solution


Read the following excerpt:

Year after year, most literature classes cover the same authors and genres. It's time that educators make a change. For teachers to keep current and engage students, we must allow students to read diverse texts from their own generation. As a first step, hip-hop should be included in the literature curriculum.

What is the author's claim in the paragraph above?

What is hip-hop should be included in the literature curriculum


Read the following excerpt.

The Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge has suffered greatly from commercialism. The refuge covers more than 100,000 acres in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina and consists mainly of forested wetlands and a natural lake.

Beginning in the 1700s, portions of the swamp were drained to allow for logging, which proved to be a profitable commercial venture. Regular logging operations continued throughout the next two centuries, and the entire swamp has been logged at least once. As a result, the land has been drastically altered from its original state, and much of the swamp has been destroyed.

The Dismal Swamp Act of 1974 halted all logging and other commercial activities in the area. However, the flora and fauna native to the swamp had already been permanently affected.

Based on the passage, what can you conclude about the Great Dismal Swamp?

A. It will never again be what it once was.

B. It may once again be used for logging.

C. Its original beauty will always remain.

D. Its land size continues to grow daily.

What is A

It will never again be what it once was.


Read the following passage.

Cassie was having a wonderful time at summer camp. Her counselor was really nice and she had made friends with all of the girls in her cabin.

One day, a package arrived for Cassie. All of the girls in her cabin watched as she opened it. It was a box of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Cassie's mother made the best chocolate chip cookies in the world! Cassie took one out of the box and and was just about to take a bike when one of the other girls asked if she could have a cookie. Then all of the girls were asking. Cassie counted the cookies in the box. There were exactly twelve of them. There were ten girls in the cabin. If she gave a cookie to each girl, there would be two cookies left for her. Cassie knew that if she shared with one girl, she would have to share with everyone. So, she decided not to share with any of the girls at all. 

Cassie got to eat all of the cookies herself, but from then on, the girls hardly ever talked to her. No one wanted to be her friend anymore.

What is the theme of this passage?

a. You should always share everything.

b. Selfishness leads to unhappiness.

c. Cassie did not share her cookies.

d. Cookies are unhealthy snacks for kids.

What is B

Selfishness leads to unhappiness.


Read the following paragraph.

Chuck Berry has shined a light on many rock stars' paths. Even the Beatles' John Lennon credited Berry's sound and style. He said, "If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'".

Based on the paragraph, which of the following is closest  to the figurative meaning of the phrase "shined a light on many rock stars' paths"?

A. made it possible for musicians to play rock and roll for a living

B. drew attention to the talents of other rock musicians, making them famous

C. helped musicians learn their craft by studying his songwriting and performing

D. exposed the secrets of rock musicians and the music business

What is C

helped musicians learn their craft by studying his songwriting and performing


Read the following passage.

Have you ever had an ice cream headache? That's when a painful sensation resonates in your head after eating something cold (like ice cream). This pain is produced by the dilation of a nerve center in the roof of your mouth. The nerve center is overreacting to the cold by trying to heat your brain. 

How is this paragraph organized or structured?

a. compare & contrast

b. chronological 

c. sequence or process

d. cause & effect

What is C

Sequence or process


Read the following passage.

While you might not think of chocolate milk as your healthiest beverage option, it has a place in a balanced diet. Drinking chocolate milk after your workouts may have benefits because it helps you hold onto muscle and burn fat. Chocolate milk also offers other benefits due to its nutrient content, but it is important to drink it in moderation because it contains added sugar.

What is the author's claim?

a. White milk is better for people than chocolate milk.

b. Fruit juice has more nutrients than milk.

c. Chocolate milk should only be consumed after a workout.

d. Chocolate milk can have health benefits but should be consumed in moderation.

What is D

Chocolate milk can have health benefits but should be consumed in moderation.


Read the following excerpt.

Raul watched the clock tick agonizingly slow, second by second. It was the last day of the class, and his horse Mirage was due to have her foal today. Raul figured that the mare was probably in labor right now. Tapping his pencil on his book, he willed the second hand to move faster. Suddenly, the sound of the school buzzer rang sharply. Raul threw his book in his bag and shot for the door.

What can you infer about Raul's feelings for the horse?

A. Raul does not care about the horse.

B. Raul is concerned about the horse.

C. Raul is mad at the horse.

D. Raul is jealous of the horse.

What is B

Raul is concerned about the horse.


Read the following paragraph.

Uncle Sam has been a symbol for the United States for more than 150 years. The first drawings of Uncle Sam appeared in the 1830's. For many years, his appearance took many forms. By the 1860's, drawings of Uncle Sam became more alike. Most pictures show a tall, thin man with a white beard. He is dressed in a waistcoat, striped pants, and a top hat with a band of stars.

What is the central idea of the paragraph?

a. Uncle Sam has been a symbol of the United States for over 150 years.

b. Uncle Sam is a tall, thin and bearded man.

c. The first drawings of Uncle Sam were in the 1800's.

d. For many years, Uncle Sam had different appearances.

What is A

Uncle Sam has been a symbol of the United States for over 150 years.


valuable adj. 1. having monetary worth: Gold is valuable. precious Antonym: cheap 2. having use or importance: A job teaches you valuable skills. useful, worthwhile Antonym: worthless

Cocoa beans were so valuable that the Aztecs used the beans as money.

Which is an antonym for valuable as it is used above?

A. useful

B. worthwhile

C. precious

D. cheap

What is D



Read the following passage.

No one knows the true origin of ice cream, but the first published ice cream recipe appears in "Mrs. Mary Eales' Receipts,' which is a cook book from London in 1718. Sometime around 1832, Augustus Jackson created multiple ice cream recipes and invented a superior technique of manufacturing ice cream. Ice cream soda was invented around 1874, but the main breakthrough may have been in 1904 World' Fair, when the ice cream cone was unveiled!

How is the information organized in the above passage?

a. cause & effect

b. compare & contrast

c. chronological

d. sequence & process


What is chronological order


Which of the following details would support the claim that "chocolate milk has many health benefits if consumed in moderation"?

a. Chocolate milk offers 7.5 grams of protein per serving.

b. Each serving of chocolate milk contains 4 teaspoons of added sugar.

c. Drinks sweetened with sugar contribute to obesity.

d. Consuming too many sugary drinks may increase a person's risk of getting diabetes.

What is A

Chocolate milk offers 7.5 grams of protein per serving.


Based on the first entry of the journal, what inference can you make about the men of the Virginia Company?

A. They will grow tobacco and corn.

B. They are the first of the company to come to the New World.

C. They have left England to escape religious persecution.

D. They left behind wives and children.

What is B

They are the first of the company to come to the New World.


Read the following paragraph.

In his sophomore year, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at his high school. The coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn't let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously. Jordan finally made the varsity team. He averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

What is the theme of this passage?

a. Michael Jordan did not make his high school varsity basketball team at first.

b. Hard work and persistence help people achieve their goals.

c. Michael Jordan overcame obstacles by working harder.

d. Hard work will result in you becoming a great basketball player. 

What is B

Hard work and persistence help people achieve their goals.


Like bats and other animals that sleep all day, pangolins are nocturnal.

What does the word nocturnal suggest about the pangolins?

A. They roll into hard balls.

B. They are awake at night.

C. They are like all other animals.

D. They lack teeth.

What is B

They are awake at night.


Read the following passage.

When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out a peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed the sandwich while watching TV.

How is this passage organized?

a. chronological order

b. compare & contrast

c. cause & effect

d. sequence & process 

What is D

sequence & process


Which of the following would be a counterclaim or counterargument to the claim that "chocolate milk is healthy if consumed in moderation"?

a. Each serving of chocolate milk contains 272 milligrams of calcium.

b. The copper found in chocolate milk helps the body make collagen, which helps build bone tissue.

c. Chocolate milk supports hormone and enzyme production.

d. Sugary drinks increase the risk of a person developing diabetes or becoming obese.

What is D

Sugary drinks increase the risk of a person developing diabetes or becoming obese.
