Central Idea
Paraphrase It!

What is the antonym of the word "generous" as it is used in this sentence: "The miser was anything but generous, refusing to share his wealth with anyone"?

What is "stingy"?



Identify the central idea of this paragraph: "The invention of the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. It has connected people from all over the world and made information more accessible than ever before."

What is "The impact of the internet on communication and information access"?


Paraphrase this short paragraph: "The sun set over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the fields. The day had been long and tiring, but the beauty of the sunset made it all worthwhile."

What is "The sunset created a beautiful scene after a long and tiring day"?


Is this an example of inductive or deductive reasoning: "All birds have feathers. A robin is a bird. Therefore, a robin has feathers"?



Identify the tone of this paragraph: "The children laughed and played in the park, their joyful voices filling the air. It was a perfect day, with the sun shining and a gentle breeze blowing."

What is "cheerful" or "joyful"?


The antonym of "despair" is "hope." Therefore, "despair" in No Dream Too High likely means:

What is "a feeling of hopelessness"?


In The Tequila Worm, the central idea centers around the main character’s growth and understanding of his Mexican heritage. It is best summarized as:

What is "learning to balance family tradition with personal identity"?


Paraphrase this short paragraph: "The library was a quiet sanctuary, filled with the scent of old books. Students sat at tables, absorbed in their studies, while the librarian moved silently between the shelves."

What is "The library was a peaceful place where students studied and the librarian worked quietly"?


Is this an example of inductive or deductive reasoning: "Every time I see a swan, it is white. Therefore, all swans must be white"?



What is the tone of this paragraph: "The abandoned house stood at the end of the street, its windows broken and its walls covered in graffiti. It was a place that everyone avoided, especially at night."

What is "eerie" or "ominous"?


In No Dream Too High, the word "launch" in the sentence "She was chosen to launch into space" refers to this.

What is "to send a spacecraft into space"?


In An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, the central idea focuses on the blurred line between reality and illusion, particularly in moments of crisis. It is:

What is "the confusion between life and death in a moment of extreme stress"?


In The Tequila Worm, the protagonist learns about his family's traditions, which helps shape her identity. A good paraphrase of this would be:

What is "The main character understands the importance of family traditions and heritage"?


In The Tequila Worm, the protagonist sees her family constantly celebrating their Mexican culture. From this, she concludes that traditions are important to his identity. This is an example of:

What is inductive reasoning?


The tone of No Dream Too High is most likely best described as:

What is "inspirational and uplifting"?


In The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, the word "worn" in the sentence "The materials were worn but still usable" contrasts with "new," indicating the word means this.  

What is "old and used"?


The central idea of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, which focuses on a young boy building a windmill to save his village, is:

What is "the power of innovation and determination to solve problems"?


In The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, the main character dreams of building a windmill to generate electricity for his village. A paraphrase of this idea would be:

What is "A young boy plans to use wind power to help his village"?


In An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, since all the soldiers have lined up and are preparing to execute the man, it is clear that he will likely not survive. This is an example of:

What is deductive reasoning?


The tone in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge shifts from calm to tense as the man anticipates his execution. This creates a tone of: 

What is "suspenseful"?


In The Tequila Worm, the word "pride" in the sentence "His pride in his heritage was clear to everyone" most likely means this, given the context.

What is "a feeling of honor and respect"?


The central idea of No Dream Too High, which follows the life of a woman who became one of the best gymnasts in the world, is: 

What is "overcoming barriers to achieve a dream"?


The passage in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge describes a man who is about to be executed but imagines escaping. A good paraphrase of this would be:

What is "A man facing death fantasizes about running away to freedom"?


 In The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, the boy notices that his village struggles with no electricity, and after researching, he concludes that building a windmill can help. This is an example of:

What is inductive reasoning?


In The Tequila Worm, the tone of the narrative reflects the protagonist’s emotional journey. It can be described as:

What is "reflective and coming-of-age"?
