What is Emotional Intelligence?
The ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions & To control and manipulate your own personal emotions.
What are some good leadership qualities?
Creative Thinking- the ability or power used to produce original thoughts and ideas based upon reasoning and judgement.
Critical Thinking- the ability to acquire information, analyze and evaluate it, and reach a conclusion or answer by using logic and reasoning skills.
What are the 4 factors?
Perceiving Emotions
Reasoning with Emotions
Understanding Emotions
Managing Emotions
What are some good leadership qualities for leaders?
Decision Making- the act of examining several possible behaviors and selecting from them the one most likely to accomplish the goal.
Ethics- Conforming to an established set of principles or accepted professional standards of conduct.
Communication- the successful transmission of information through a common system of symbols, signs, behavior, speech, writing, or signals.
What is Step 1 Perceiving Emotions?
Accurately identify emotions Understanding non-verbal signals
Body Language, Facial Expression, Tone of Voice
What are some other leadership qualities for leaders?
Evaluation: the making of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.
Organization: the act or process of organizing or being organized.
Problem Solving: the process of understanding a problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the plan in order to solve a problem or meet a need or want.
What are the other emotions that we talked about?
Affection, Irritation, Rage, Shame, Despair, Relief, Happiness, Lonely, Anxiety, Nervous, Regret, Excitement
Leadership qualities for leaders (CONT)
Self-Esteem: a confidence and satisfaction in oneself and trusting one’s ability and instincts.
Teamwork: the process that allows individuals to pool their strengths in order to arrive at better solutions to problems.
Why is Emotional Intelligence important?
Better relationships, More open and agreeable to others, Less likely to engage in problem behaviors, Possess greater empathy and sympathy toward others
Types of Decision making
Autocratic- you make the decision without consulting anyone else.
Democratic- you go with the decision of a group of people who have voted for a particular outcome.
Consensus- you go with a groups’ decision even if you don’t agree with it
Laissez-faire- you don’t make a decision just let things “work out”