This is the name of the river that runs directly through the city of Rome.
What is Tiber River?
these are the names of the three major groups the Romans shared Italy with before the Republic expanded.
Who are the Etruscans, Greeks, and Latins?
This is the name for the lower class of Roman Citizens that were not enslaved.
What is the Plebeian?
This is the name of the island which all of the fighting for the First Punic War was completed on.
What is Sicily?
This is the name for the type of government during the Roman Empire?
What is an imperial monarchy?
This is the religion which Christianity is founded from.
What is Judaism?
This is the result of printing more coins with less silver in them.
What is inflation?
This is the name for the mountain range North of Italy.
What is the Alps?
This is the name of the doorway which the Romans took from the Etruscans.
What is the arch?
This is the position which led the "executive branch" of Rome. There are two of them, and they have veto power.
What is a consul?
This is the group that lost the Punic Wars.
Who is Carthage?
This is the most important invention/technology of Rome. They used these to provide jobs and increase travel speed.
what are roads?
These were the four stages of Rome's eventual adoption of Christianity.
What is ignore, persecute, allow, adopt?
This was the result of overfarming, which made it difficult for Romans to feed their population.
What is smaller crop yields?
This is the name for the sea which Rome controlled in full during the Pax Romana.
What is the Mediterranean Sea?
This is the name of the language the Romans took and spread throughout the empire.
What is the Roman Empire?
This is the name of the document spread around Rome which established the ideas of "innocent until proven guilty" and "equality under the law."
What is the Twelve Tables?
These are the two main groups fighting in the Punic Wars.
What are Rome and Carthage?
This is the first emperor of the Roman Empire.
Who is Augustus Caesar?
This is the name of the man who passed the Edict of Milan, granting religious tolerance of Christianity.
What is Constantine?
Diocletian attempted to reform the empire by doing this. It led to decentralization and the Byzantine Empire.
What is splitting the empire into two sections?
What is the Rubicon River?
This is the name of the group of Gods which the Romans took from the Greeks.
What is the Pantheon?
These are the names of the men in the First Triumvirate.
Who are Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar?
These are the names of the two major generals of the Second Punic War.
Who are Hannibal and Scipio?
This is the name for a major building in which gladiator sports were completed for the "bread and circus" of the regular citizens of Rome.
What is the Colosseum?
This is the name of the Apostle who stated that non-Jews could convert to "Judaism."
Who is Paul?
This is the name for the people the Romans hired to fight against the Germanic Tribes. They were only loyal to money and not to Rome.
What is a mercenary?
These two rivers (half points for one river) designate the most Northern control of the Pax Romana.
What is the Rhine and the Danube Rivers?
This the name of the God of War which Rome took from Greece (I want the Roman name).
What is Mars?
This is the name of the brothers who attempted land reforms in the Roman Republic before Caesar.
Who are the Gracchi Brothers?
This is the tactic the Romans used to ensure Carthage became uninhabitable for years to come.
What is salting the fields/farms?
This is the name for the heating system of the Roman bathhouses.
What are hypocausts?
This is the name of the Roman general who ordered Jesus' execution.
Who is Pontius Pilate?
Name one of the tribes which invaded Rome.
Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Huns