Citing Text Evidence/Inferences
Narrative Perspective
Compare/Contrast Texts
Evaluating Arguments

This is made up of text evidence and your own knowledge or experience.

What is an inference?


List all the different narrative perspectives.(Hint: there are five.)

What are 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person objective, 3rd person limited, 3rd person omniscient.


A biography is when someone writes about the life of someone else. An autobiography is _____________.

What is when somebody writes about their own life?


Thesis is to informational as _______ is to argumentative.

What is a claim?


This is what an article or story is mostly about.

What is the main idea?


These are the two main ways to cite evidence.

What are direct quotes and paraphrases?


When Stacy and Tina went to the movies they were so excited to get popcorn and candy.

This is a _______________ narrative perspective.

What is 3rd person omniscient?


An autobiography is almost always written in the _________ narrative perspective.

What is 1st person?


When making a claim, you must always back it up with ____ and ____.

What are reasons and evidence?


This is the lesson learned, or the moral, of an article or story.

What is the theme?


You need __ citations for every reason/key detail in an informative/argumentative essay.

What is two?


Luke and Bill were having an argument. Luke knew this was a sensitive topic and he thought he better be careful if he did not want to lose his friend.

This is a ___________ narrative perspective.

What is 3rd person limited?


True or False: Only using one text when there are multiple means you will always get an incomplete understanding of the subject.

What is True.


The argument that has either more or better ________ is the side with the stronger argument.

What is evidence?


List all of the different types of text structures.(Hint: there are five)

Descriptive, chronological/sequential, compare and contrast, cause and effect, problem and solution.


Mr. Briganti stood at the front of the class, waiting for his students to quiet down so he could tell them the news. He had been waiting all day to tell them.

Mr. Briganti is about to tell his students ____ news.

What is good news?


I went camping for the first time. I have never seen so many bugs in my life!

This is a _________ narrative perspective.

What is 1st person?


People view multiple texts about the same subject in order to ____________.

What is see all the possible perspectives about the subject?


When you take a specific side of an argument, this is the opposite side of that argument.

What is the counterclaim?


When answering a multiple choice question, you should always ___________ first.

What is use process of elimination?


Mr. Marquette was watching the Vikings game with his dad. All of a sudden, they both jumped up from their seats as if they were little kids again hooting and hollering.

We can infer that something _____ happened during the game.

What is something good?


"Tell me why you want to go on that roller coaster," Jesse said. He couldn't understand why Mark loved these huge death traps. Mark had always loved them ever since he was a little kid. He loved the feeling of the wind flying through his hair and the G-forces pulling at him as the car whipped around turns and up through loops in the track.

This is a __________ narrative perspective.

What is 3rd person limited?


When given multiple sources, it is important to use all of them because _________.

What is they might have different information, perspectives, and/or main ideas?


Claim: The Wright Brothers were the first to achieve sustained human powered flight.

The prompt based off of this claim could be__________.

Who was the first to achieve sustained human powered flight?


After you finish a test you should always __________.

What is go back and check your work?
