What kind of Americans did Andrew Jackson represent?
The common man, farmers
Who was John Adams son?
John Quincy Adams
What's your favorite color?
As long as it isn't yellow, good answer!
It was overall a TIE between America and Britain. Native Americans were the real losers
Who were the two candidates during the election of 1828?
John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson
Why did the Whiskey Boys rebel against the U.S. government?
Washington taxed Whiskey, a LUXURY good, which they relied on for their livelihoods. They felt targeted by the tax. So they REFUSED to pay it
What was Jay's Treaty?
Britain agreeing to pull troops out of the Ohio River Valley
Kidnapping sailors to serve in your army
List one event from the War of 1812
Burning of the white house, burning of the capitol, invasion of Canada
What was Andrew Jackson's brand new political party?
The Democratic Party
What two things did George Washington warn about during his Farewell Address?
Political Parties and Foreign Affairs
What did France do that caused outrage in Americans during the XYZ affair?
They tried to bribe U.S. representatives
Why was the Embargo Act unsuccesful?
It hurt American trade and didn't affect foreign countries very much.
After the War of 1812, during Monroe's presidency, which region did U.S. foreign policy shift to? (NOT Europe)
Latin America
Why did the U.S. want Native American land during Jackson's presidency?
For cotton farming
When the Supreme Court rejected the Indian Removal Act, what was Andrew Jackson's response?
I don't care! "The supreme court has made their ruling, now let's see them enforce it"
What was a common critique of the Alien and Sedition Acts? (2 possible answers)
It restricted freedom of speech/freedom of press. People felt it took away their first amendment. People also felt that it targeted immigrants/Democratic-Republicans.
What was the twelfth amendment?
Voting on a TICKET. President and Vice President run together.
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
To keep Europe out of the Americas
What did Andrew Jackson DO in the Nullification Crisis?
He lowered the tariff to compromise with South Carolina and sent in troops to enforce the tariff.
What was George Washington's Foreign Policy called?
What was the problem with the result of the election of 1796? (Adams v. Jefferson) (the first time)
The two candidates with the most votes went into office as president and vice president. Adams and Jefferson were both elected and did not like each other! They refused to work together.
What was Thomas Jefferson's solution to piracy?
Blockades! Going to war with them
What were the two causes of the War of 1812?
Why did Andrew Jackson take down the National Bank? Why did he declare it as a win for democracy? Be specific!
He thought it was corrupt, and that they would not loan to farmers. He considered it a win for democracy because he shared the money with state banks instead, making it better for the common man