Where should the semicolon be added
The pancakes were delicious they were fluffy and sweet.
After Delicious
The effect of this decision was to as the design and technical resolution proceeded.
Flimsy is a synonym for what word?
Void is an antonym for the word?
Courteous and pleasant
What is affable
Where should the colon be added?
There are two choices at this time run away or fight.
After the word time
These and totally unfounded allegations will be proven false in a court room.
Resound Is a synonym for what word?
To agree with someone is an antonym for what word?
incapable of being changed or called back
What is irrevocable
Where should the semi colon be?
He wanted to make sure he gets the best product hence, he carefully read all the instructions.
After the word product
the police looked for drugs, guns, and other .
Friendly is a synonym for what word?
Chaotic is an antonmy for what word?
coarsely abusive, vulgar (especially in language)
What is scurrilous
Where should the semicolon be added?
I didn't study for the test I didn't have my notes, having left them in the classroom.
After the word test
He has publicly the government's policies.
Black market is a synonym for what word?
equable is an antonym for what word?
able to return to an original shape
What is resilient
where should the semincolon be added?
At Hallowe'en we gave out Reese's, Snickers, and Crunch bars; gumballs, caramels, and taffy and apples and candy corn.
after the word taffy
The bad guys in the movie are also some of the most likable and guys.
Forswear is a synonym for what word?
aversion is an antonym for what word
thin or flimsy in texture, cheap
What is sleazy