Pertaining to the eye
A specialist that studies the diseases and treatment of the eye.
These are cell that allow one to see color
This is another name for the "Ear Drum". it separates the outer and inner ear structures.
Tympanic membrane
This is a reflex test of the eye where a hand is moved quickly toward the eye without touching the eye or any hair to look for a reaction.
Menance response test
Inflammation of the Conjunctiva
Special stain used to evaluate if the cornea has an active ulcer. Bright yellow/green in color
Fluorescein Stain
This is the white layer of the eye.
The tube that transmits sound to the tympanic membrane is known as the
External auditory canal
This is a piece of equipment utilized to view the ear
Pertaining to the tear duct
Nasolacrimal Duct
Condition where the eyes twitch back in forth in a horizontal or vertical direction
This is located behind the retina; it holds the nerves, vessels and optic vessels.
Posterior chamber
This is the narrow duct that leads from the ossicles to the nasopharynx and serves to maintain air pressure in the middle ear.
Eustachian tube
This is a test where a light is shown into the animal's eye and looking for constriction/dilation of the pupil
Pupillary Light Response Test
Pertaining to the inside of the eye
To close
This is the inner layer of the eye that contains 2 types of cells known as Rods and Cones. Damage to this structure can cause blindness
This is spiral shaped passage that vibrates and relays vibrations that allow sound to be heard
Cochlea (Gary)
This is a piece of equipment to check the intraocular pressure of the eye
Measurement of pressure of the eye
Maintenance of the position of the head relative to gravity
Static Equilibrium
This is the area in front of the iris that contains Aqueous Humor to help give the eye its shape
Anterior chamber
There are 3 auditory ossicles and their names are...
Incus, malleus, and Stapes
This is a piece of equipment utilized to view the eye