What is child pronogrophy
Pictures or videos that portray explicit sexual organs or sexual activities involving children under the age of 18.
What is Pornogrophy?
Pictures or videos that portray explicit sexual organs or sexual activity
What freezes faster hot or cold water
What is a friendship
A relationship of mutual affection between people
What is sexuality?
The force of energy experienced both spiritually and bodily to be creative in
What is Sexual attraction?
A force that draws people out of themselves towards others
How can we as Christians seek forgiveness from GOD?
Through prayer
Who always brings food to class
What is Chastity?
The Sexual self-control in accordance with what we believe is God’s plan
What is communication?
The act of transferring information from one place to another
what pet Mrs.Anania have?
what is 5x12
How many bones do humans have?
What is mental health?
Our ability to respond to challenges or stress
How many units did we do this semester
There is more drama
Friendships shouldn't be stressful. If you notice your relationship full of drama, it might mean its time to get some space.
What is sense of self?
The way we see ourselves
What is mental illness?
Our inability to respond to challenges or stress
How can we deal constructively with anger and resolving conflicts?
Go to the source, get the Facts straight OR Take a problem solving approach
Your friend is controlling
A friend who becomes very jealous and angry because you are spending time with a new person might not be a good friend to have