The Electoral College is?
The system we use to elect the President
What is the age requirment to be President?
What is Commander in Chief?
Leader of Military
Define executive order
President directing fed agencies
Who is 2nd in line to President?
Vice President
What is the minimum number of Electoral Votes a candidate needs to win?
The President has to be a __________ citizen?
Natural Born
What is the State of the Union
Constitutional mandated speech to Congress
Executive order can be overturned by?
SCOTUS decision, Congressional law, or next Admin getting rid of it
Who is 3rd in Line?
Speaker of the House
How many Electoral Votes in Total?
What is the residency requirement to be President?
14 years
What is a Veto?
The President denying a bill from Congress
Which President Made the least executive Orders?
WIlliam Henry Harrison
What are the purposes of Federal Agencies?
Enforce Congressional Law
What is the minimum amount of Electoral Votes a state can have?
All Modern Presidents have been 6'0" except?
Jimmy Carter
The President appoints?
Which President Pardoned Nixon?
The 12th Amendment
Gives the House a tiebreaker in the Electoral College
What are the two states that do not use the Winner Take All Method
Maine and Nebraska
JD Vance is the first executive leader with what since the 1800s
Facial Hair
Name an informal power of the Presidency
Executive order, signing statements, and Executive agreements
What is the date of the Emancipation Proclamation?
Jan 1 1863
Who got more electoral votes than JQ Adams but still lost Presidency?
Andrew Jackson