Plant Structure
Body System Functions
Identify the Body System

What two systems do plants have?

The root system and the shoot system


If you observe under a rock the following:

Ground Beetles

Stag Beetles

Rain Beetles

What type of biological organization is it?


We are only observing different types of species.


The uterus is part of what body system?

The reproductive system


You take a deep breath of air. What two body systems are responsible for these responses?

The muscular system moves your lungs to breath and the respiratory system (lungs) breathes in the air and starts diffusing it.


Name a difference between mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis makes two similar (same) daughter cells. Diploid (2n). Once cycle.

Meiosis make two unique haploid gametes (n). Crossing-over. Two cycles.


What function do roots have?

Absorb water from ground and transport it up


In Figure B, which animal is receives/absorbs the least amount of energy?

Fox (as a tertiary consumer)


What does the digestive system do? Name an organ.

Breaks down food.

Ex. Stomach, intestines, esophagus


A person saw an awkward event and they flush red from second-hand embarrassment. What two body systems are responsible for these responses?

Nervous system since you saw something (brain perceives images) and the circulatory system since blood is pumping to flush your skin.


Which process has the end products of oxygen and glucose? Where does it occur?

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O+ 6O2 

Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants.


Which transport lets nutrients go up from the root system to the shoot system?

Xylem moves nutrients up from the root system to the shoot system then to the leaves.

Xy --> High


Which animals is both secondary and tertiary in figure B?



What does the circulatory system do? Name an organ.

Transports oxygen and nutrients through the body.

Ex. Heart, vein, arteries, etc.


You eat bad food and vomit, what two body systems are responsible for these responses?

The immune system and the digestive system. Immune since it's reacting to "bad" food that would make you ill and stomach acids in the stomach reflux to create the vomit.


Which process has the end products of carbon dioxide and water? Where does it occur?

 C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

Cellular respiration happens in the mitochondria.


What is the name of the structure (figure labeled A) on your paper?

Stomata cell


In Figure C, 780,000 joules are provided to primary consumers.

How many joules are provided to producers?

7,800,000 joules are available at the producer level.


What does the integumentary system do? Name an organ.

The integumentary system is an environmental barrier for the body and also plays a vital role in maintaining temperatures.

Ex. Hair, nails, skin


An excess of the hormone Androgen causes acne, what two body systems are responsible for these responses?

Endocrine system (hormones) and the integumentary system (skin).


What do enzymes do?

The speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy.


In figure A, the stomata are closing to what type of stimuli? What is it trying to preserve?

Stomata closes via the guard cells to preserve water (transpiration) therefore it must be responding to a drought or to small amounts of water available in its environment.


Mites infest the homes of birds and latch onto them. Although typically not fatal the birds experience great discomfort and irritation. What type of relationship is this? How do you know?

This is a parasitic relationship because the mite benefits (food/nutrients) while the bird is harmed (irritation).


What does the endocrine system do? What word should always appear when you see endocrine?

Endocrine = Hormones

The endocrine system is responsible for hormone production.


Name the order of organization in the human body from smallest to largest.

Cell -->Tissue --> Organ --> Organ System


If DNA is the same throughout your body like your bones, kidney, eyes, hair, and tissues. Why do they all look different or perform different functions?

Cell differentiation by activating different gene expressions.
