What is the difference between an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a paramedic?
A paramedic receive the same training as an EMT but they also take extra courses in which they learn how to perform more advanced medical procedures.
What acronym can you use to help you remember the best ways to treat injuries that affect the muscular and/or skeletal system? What does the acronym stand for?
RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What are the most basic signs of sunburn?
Redness of the skin, pain, swelling, and blistering.
What are some reasons why a person may stop breathing?
Drowning, electric shock, heart failure, poisoning, or suffocation (blocked airway).
What are the differences between a thermal burn, an electrical burn, and a chemical burn?
A thermal burn occurs when you are burned by flames, hot gasses, or a hot object. An electrical burn results from an electrical charge passing through body tissue and bone. A chemical burn occurs when a corrosive chemical makes contact with the skin or eyes.
What is a medical emergency?
A medical emergency is any kind of sickness or injury requiring immediate care.
What are the two types of fractures? How are they different from each other?
A simple fracture and a compound fracture. A simple fracture is a crack or a break that does not pierce through the skin. A compound fracture occurs when the broken bone pierces through the skin.
How does skin cancer develop? What is an easy way to protect your skin?
By overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. Sunscreen!!
True or False: If someone seems to be choking but they are still forcefully coughing, you should still definitely intervene.
False! As long as the person is forcefully coughing, you shouldn't intervene.
A burn that burns through both the epidermis and the dermis layers of skin is classified as what type of burn?
Second-degree burn. These burns are characterized by blisters, red skin, swelling, and extreme pain.
What is first aid? Who should learn first aid?
First aid is the emergency care given to a person who is injured or suddenly becomes ill. Everyone should know first aid!
When might you use a splint? How is a splint helpful?
If you suspect that someone has a fracture. It is helpful because it can reduce the danger of muscles, nerves, or blood vessels becoming damaged by any broken bones.
What should you never do to someone experiencing a heat stroke?
Don't give them any type of medication.
What is the heimlich maneuver? How do you perform it?
True or false: Second-degree burns are more painful than third-degree burns.
Why is important to know first-aid skills?
A minor injury can sometimes become major if no first aid is given or if improper first aid is given.
What is a dislocation?
A dislocation occurs when a bone is forced from its normal position in the joint.
What is the first sign of frostbite?
Numb, discolored skin
About how many people die each year due to choking?
About 3,000 people. Many of these deaths are children under 4 years of age.
How do you treat a chemical burn to the eye?
What are the some of the most basic rules associated with first aid?
Keep calm, plan quickly what you need to do, get professional help, and encourage the injured person.
True or false: It is possible for a dislocation to require a doctor to have the bone set back into its socket.
If someone is experiencing hypothermia, what do you need to do?
Try to warm them up slowly. Trying to warm up the body too quickly could cause tissue damage.
How long should you continue to perform the heimlich maneuver?
Continuously until the object is expelled or until the victim becomes unconscious.
True or false: If someone seems to have a third-degree burn, you should apply cold water to it immediately.
False. If you suspect someone has received a third-degree burn, you should never apply cold water or medication to the burn.