What is s system of cells working together to perform a specific task?
The brain weighs how much?
When does the human skeleton begin to develop?
I am the hardest working muscle in the body:
The heart
Posterior means:
On the back side of a structure
The thyroid gland is a part of what system?
Damage to the brain can cause damage to:
True or false: Bone strength is determined by the pressure they get used to sustaining.
These muscle types move under your control AKA voluntary
Skeletal Muscles
What causes dimples in your cheek?
Muscle deformities
True or false: The urethra is the last structure that urine has to travel through to exit the body.
I regulate emotion, personality, planning and reasoning and problem-solving. What lobe am I?
Frontal Lobe
Fill in the blank:
As we get older, the rate at which our bones breakdown begins to (BLANK) the rate at which new bone tissue forms.
This muscle type is found only in the heart
Cardiac Muscle
Fight or Flight response is part of what nervous system?
Peripheral Nervous System
The 3 main jobs of the digestive system are: Digestion, absorption and:
If I get injured, I could have trouble processing sensory information like hearing and recognizing languages. What lobe of the brain am I?
Temporal Lobe
Give me an example of a ball and socket joint
This muscle group is responsible for the movement of the shoulder blades and administering posture.
Back/Neck Muscles
The rotator cuff consists of what 4 muscles?
teres minor
This organ which is part of the immune system filters the blood and destroys worn-out red blood cells.
The spinal cord extends to the lumbar vertebrae of the backbone but where does it start?
Medulla oblongata
What joint has two bones open and close in one direction like a door?
Hinge Joint
The quads include these 4 muscles:
1. Rectus femoris
2. Vastus Medialis
3. Sartorius
Vastus Lateralis
These structures store calcium and release it into the bloodstream.