Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Fill in the blank
Mixed up ?'s
Wu, the Zhou king, supported his claim to the Mandate of Heaven by a. paying the Shang king to leave the country. b. receiving approval from the Shang priests. c. doing away with the division of social classes d. telling the people the Shang king did not have the virtues needed to lead
D. telling the people the Shang king did not have the virtues needed to lead.
Han Gau Zu believed a ruler should be all-powerful and a. set harsh laws b. increase the amount of taxes paid by peasants c. set a good example for the people d. follow only the ideas of the Legalists
C. set a good example for the people
Shi Huangdi developed a system of standardized coins, weights, and writing throughout China in order to a. sell the Mandate of Heaven to the highest bidder b. help make trade and communications easier c. keep foreign ideas out of China d. bring an end to the Warring States period
b. help make communications easier.
The longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history a. Shi Huangdi b. Zhou c. Liu Bang d. Daoism e. Han
b. Zhou
The main way goods and ideas moved between Europe and China was
By caravan along the Silk Road
In return for the right to farm a noble's land, peasants under the Zhou dynasty had to in the noble's house b. pay the noble a fee c.give the noble all of their crops d. serve in the noble's army
D. serve in the noble's army
Which one of the following dynasties built huge public works, such as roads, dikes, dams, and canals, that improved life in China? a. Zhou b. Qin c. Shang d. Han
a. Zhou
Why do the people of China call themselves children of Han? a. The Golden Age of Chinese civilization occurred during the Han dynasty. b. Zoroastrianism became important during the Hand dynasty c. Han rulers built the Great Wall and other public works projects d. Han rulers defeated India and Pursia
a. The Golden Age of Chinese civilization occurred during the Han dynasty
emperor who built the Great Wall to help protect China from outsiders a. Shi Huangdi b. Zhou c. Liu Bang d. Daoism e. Han
a. Shi Huangdi
Name 1 way China benefited from the Silk Road trade route.
1. Exported silk, iron, bronze and apricots 2. Imported horses, linin, gold, and ivory 3. Made profits 4. China was no longer isolated from the rest of the world
Confucius believed that society was like a family in which a. each member tries to do better than the others. b. the parents rule with an iron hand. c. members work together for the common good. d. children have a voice in decisions.
C. members work together for the common good.
During the Warring States period in China, a. the ideas of the Aryans were made into law. b. Buddhism spread across Asia. c. Chinese scientists made great advancements in medicine d. loyalty to a single powerful king was lost.
d. loyalty to a single powerful king was lost.
Wu Di established China's first civil service system for the purpose of a. defending China from invading enemies. b. overseeing the day-to-day business of running the gov. c. carrying official messages to far-off parts of Asia d. spreading the teachings of Buddha throughout China
b. overseeing the day-to-day business of running the gov.
peasant who became emperor of China and named himself "great Founder of the Han" a. Shi Huangdi b. Zhou c. Liu Bang d. Daoism e. Han
c. Liu Bang
According to Confucianism, what was the best way for a ruler to act? Please choose the correct answer/s. set an example b. treat your peasants badly c. if ruled badly, ruler should be replaced d. both a & c
d. both a & c
Shi Huangdi helped unite the Chinese city-states by forcing the peasants to give their loyalty only to the a. emperor b. nobles c. local rulers d. army
A. emperor
Charity, kindness, hard work, good faith, and courtesy are the five virtues of a. Daoism b. Confucianism c. Hinduism d. Islasism
b. Confusianism
Which ruler's policies brought about the Pax Sinica, or "Chinese Peace"? a. Confucius b. Gao Zu c. Mr. Miyagi d. Wu Di
d. Wu Di
teachings that say the key to long life and happiness is to accept life as it is a. Shi Huangdi b. Zhou c. Liu Bang d. Daoism e. Han
d. Daoism
According to Legalism, what was the best way for a ruler to act? Please choose the correct answer/s. a. Be nice to the peasants b. be harsh with peasants c. reward those who obey, punish those who disobey d. both b & c e. both a & c
d. both b & c
The Great Wall has been called the "wall of tears" because a. it cost so much money to build b. it took 30 years to build c. so many workers died building it d. Chinese peasants cried a lot because they had to work
C. so many workers died building it
Which of the following beliefs formed the basis of Legalism? a. The ideas of Confucius and Buddha should be made into law b. Public works should be built in all parts of the country. c. The laws of China should be written down. d. A ruler should use harsh punishment to control the people.
d. A ruler should use harsh punishment to control the people.
What was the purpose of the civil service test started by the Han emperor Wu Di? a. to make sure that only people loyal to the Han dynasty got government jobs b. to make sure that the people who ran the government could do their jobs well c. to prevent another civil war d. to guarantee that Confucianism became China's official philosophy
b. to make sure that the people who ran the government could do their jobs well
dynasty during which the wheelbarrow, an earthquake detector and paper were invented a. Shi Huangdi b. Zhou c. Liu Bang d. Daoism e. Han
e. Han
Daily Double question One of Shi Huangdi's achievements was a program of standardization. Define standardization, and explain why the standardization program was important to China. Give at least two examples.
Standardization was the making of all things of a certain type alike. By standardizing writing, coins & weights, throughout China, trade & communication became easier. Chinese people began to think of themselves as one. Also ended China's isolation-learned about the world and the world learned about China.