2.1 Changes Lead to Extinction
2.2 Seismographs & Earth's Structure
2.3 Rock Cycle
2.4 Convection Cycles Move Plate Boundaries
2.5 Plate Tectonic Evidence and Landforms

Which of these do scientists offer as the most recent explanation as to why many plants and animals died out at the end of the Mesozoic era?

A. worldwide disease

B. global mountain building

C. rise of mammals that preyed upon plants and animals

D. impact of an asteroid created dust that blocked the sunlight

D. impact of an asteroid created dust that blocked the sunlight


Scientists plan to take measurements to determine the epicenter of a series of moderate tremors along the Alaskan coast. Which tool would be most appropriate for the scientists to use?

A. anemometer

B. seismograph

C. sling psychrometer

D. spring scale

B. seismograph


What is the name of the process in which igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are converted into one another in stages?

A. rock cycle

B. erosion cycle

C. magma cycle

D. tectonic cycle

A. rock cycle


The diagram below shows the stages of development of an ocean.

The process above results from

A. the ocean forcing the plates apart slowly.

B. the ocean forcing the plates apart rapidly.

C. convection in the mantle dragging apart the plates slowly.

D. convection in the mantle dragging apart the plates rapidly.

C. convection in the mantle dragging apart the plates slowly.


Which piece of evidence supports plate tectonic theory?

A. plant fossils that are similar in size

B. the weathering and erosion of coastlines

C. new crust formed by seafloor spreading

D. rocks with different physical appearances

C. new crust formed by seafloor spreading


A large number of species on Earth became extinct during a short time period about 65 million years ago. Based on this pattern of extinction, which is the most likely cause?

A. gradual climate change

B. continued climate stability

C. sudden global climate change

D. gradual ecosystem succession

C. sudden global climate change


Which sequence shows the order of the Earth's interior from surface to center?

A. crust, outer core, mantle, inner core

B. crust, mantle, inner core, outer core

C. inner core, outer core, mantle, crust

D. crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

D. crust, mantle, outer core, inner core


In the rock cycle, sedimentary rock forms when rock is

A. crystallized into natural glass.

B. exposed to great temperature.

C. melted into liquid magma.

D. broken down by weathering.

D. broken down by weathering.


This map shows the boundaries of Earth’s major tectonic plates.

Which numbered area on the map represents the African Plate?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

D. 4


Mount St. Helens was a cone-shaped mountain that formed when molten material reached the surface of Earth and formed layers. Cone-shaped mountains form as a result of which one of these events?

A. hurricanes

B. earthquakes

C. volcanic eruptions

D. sediment depositions

C. volcanic eruptions


Some scientists believe that the mass extinction of dinosaurs was caused by the impact of a large meteorite on Earth. This impact would have caused a darkening of the sky due to dust blown into the upper atmosphere. This darkening would have reduced the sizes of some ecosystems because of

A. longer seasons.

B. accelerated erosion.

C. reduced photosynthesis.

D. increased number of hurricanes.

C. reduced photosynthesis.


The data shows the variations in the densities of Earth’s layers.

What can be understood from the data?

A. The crust is denser than the outer core.

B. The upper mantle is denser than the lower mantle.

C. The outer core is denser than the inner core.

D. The inner core is denser than the mantle.

D. The inner core is denser than the mantle.


Look at the diagram.

Which sentence best describes a process in the rock cycle?

A. Igneous rocks can become metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.

B. Metamorphic rocks can form by the weathering process.

C. Volcanoes can deposit sedimentary rock to form mountains.

D. Sedimentary rocks can melt to become metamorphic rocks.

A. Igneous rocks can become metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.


The sudden movement along the boundaries of tectonic plates on Earth results in earthquakes. What is one cause within Earth of such movements?

A. fossil fuel formations in Earth’s crust

B. thermal energy from Earth’s core

C. erosion on Earth's surface

D. waves from Earth's oceans

B. thermal energy from Earth’s core


Which diagram shows the relative direction of tectonic plate movement that forms rift zones?







Which of these conditions would most likely be shown in the fossil record as a reason for mass extinctions?

A. increased competition for resources

B. falling sea levels and global cooling

C. organisms with beneficial traits

D. increased solar activity

B. falling sea levels and global cooling


Study the seismogram of a recent earthquake.

Which statement can be concluded based upon the information in the seismogram?

A. S waves travel faster that P waves.

B. P waves travel faster than S waves.

C. P waves initially travel faster, but S waves accelerate and overtake the P waves, so they reach the surface first.

D. P waves and S waves travel at the same speed, but P waves arrive at the surface first because the earthquake releases them earlier.

B. P waves travel faster than S waves.


The rocks that form most of the Sierra Nevada are granitic rocks. This means that the mountains were most likely formed by

A. strike-slip faults.

B. transform boundaries.

C. volcanic activity.

D. land subsidence.

C. volcanic activity.


Which of the following is the best evidence of Earth’s crust changing over millions of years as a result of plate tectonics?

A. Rocks are fracturing due to ice in the Himalaya Mountains.

B. Coastal land is being displaced by large waves from the Atlantic Ocean.

C. Rocks are being eroded by wind to form sand dunes in the Sahara Desert.

D. Landmasses are drifting apart and forming the East African Rift Valley.

D. Landmasses are drifting apart and forming the East African Rift Valley.


Which of the following has been formed on the Asian continent by two continental plates that have been pressing together for millions of years?

A. large fields of gravel

B. a tall mountain chain

C. large freshwater lakes linked by rivers

D. an uneven thickness of sedimentary layers

B. a tall mountain chain


Review the diagram showing an igneous intrusion (D) within layers of sedimentary rock.

What is the relative age of the igneous intrusion?

A. The igneous intrusion is younger than layer A.

B. The igneous intrusion is the same age as layer C.

C. The igneous intrusion is younger than layer E.

D. The igneous intrusion is the same age as layer F.

C. The igneous intrusion is younger than layer E.


Data from a seismograph station show that the difference in arrival times between the P wave and S wave for an earthquake is 2 seconds.

How far away was that station from the epicenter of the earthquake?

A. 30 km

B. 40 km

C. 50 km

D. 60 km

B. 40 km


Why are fossils rarely found in metamorphic or igneous rock?

A. Chemicals toxic to living organisms are released during formation of these rocks.

B. Heat and pressure are great enough to destroy the structure of fossils found in these rocks.

C. Decay of radioactive isotopes changes the fossils into a different rock structure.

D. Intense magnetic fields found where these rocks form keep organisms from living there.

B. Heat and pressure are great enough to destroy the structure of fossils found in these rocks.


Look at the diagram of a cross section of Earth.

How does this diagram help to confirm Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift?

A. It shows that Earth’s mantle has several concentric layers.

B. It demonstrates that Earth’s crust is the thinnest of Earth’s layers.

C. It illustrates how crustal plates float on convection currents in Earth’s mantle.

D. It models how Earth’s core is subdivided into an inner core and an outer core.

C. It illustrates how crustal plates float on convection currents in Earth’s mantle.


Which of the following is the most recent evidence of plate tectonics?

A. volcanic activity and sea-floor spreading at the mid-ocean ridges

B. similar fossils found on continents that are now separated by oceans

C. the observation that the continents of South America and Africa fit together like in a puzzle

D. similar rock formations found on different continents that are now separated by oceans

A. volcanic activity and sea-floor spreading at the mid-ocean ridges
