Pollution & Stewardship
Freshwater & Estuaries
Estuaries & Saltwater
Water Quality
Water Distribution & Water Cycle

Pollution that can be easily identified and traced back to a source

Point Source Pollution


Where would most of the freshwater available on Earth be located?

Ice Caps and Glaciers


Plankton are free-floating aquatic organisms that form the base of the ocean food web. Which ocean zone will have the maximum concentration of plankton?

Intertidal or shallow zones of the ocean


Runoff can increase the level of suspended sediment in water. This is gives a cloudy look to the water and can make it undrinkable if too dirty. This is called...



Where is the majority of water located on Earth?

Oceans (97%)


Pollution that cannot be easily identified because it comes from many different places

Nonpoint Source


Explain the relationship between watersheds and river basins

Watershed collect and drain water into a river basin


What will most likely happen if there is increased upwelling in a coastal area?

More aquatic life


An organism whose presence in a body of water is an indication of the health of the water

Bioindicator (macro-invertebrate) 


How is groundwater formed in the water cycle?

Water during runoff seeps into permeable soil and accumulates


A law that works to correct toxic effluents (chemicals) from industries. Mostly corrects point source pollution

Clean Water Act (1972)


Why is water from an aquifer more likely to be cleaner than water from a lake or river?

Water in an aquifer gets filtered by porous rock and permeable layers as it makes its way into the aquifer.


The amounts of dissolved gases play important roles in marine environments. Which factors affect the amounts of dissolved gases in ocean water?

1. temperature and salinity only

2. temperature and pressure only

3. temperature, pressure, and salinity

4. temperature, pressure, salinity, and pH

3. temperature, pressure, and salinity


Explain the relationship between temperature and dissolved oxygen. 

higher temperatures = lower D.O

lower temperatures = higher D.O


What effect does precipitation have on the water table?

It causes the water table to rise


Federal agency responsible for making sure that the public water supply within the United States is safe.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


How do nutrients, sediment and pollutants get into estuaries and oceans?

From rivers and streams flowing into estuaries and oceans


Which holds more gas?

  1. Cold water, more saline, low pressure

  2. Cold water, less saline, high pressure

  3. Warm water, more saline, low pressure

  4. Warm water, less saline, high pressure

2. Cold water, less saline, high pressure


Which will occur if humans continue to overload water systems with excess nutrients?



Which factor would increase the salinity of oceans?

1. heavy precipitation over ocean waterheavy precipitation over ocean water

2. increased evaporation of ocean water increased evaporation of ocean water

3. increased runoff at coastlines increased runoff at coastlines

4. melting of ice sheets at the poles

2. increased evaporation of ocean water increased evaporation of ocean water


What are the 4 steps of the water treatment process? 

  • Coagulation

  • Sedimentation

  • Filtration

  • Disinfection


In North Carolina, the water in an estuary is shallow, which helps sunlight penetrate to the bottom. How is this beneficial?

It promotes the growth of plants which will increase aquatic life


How do organisms in the deep ocean survive?

Hydrothermal Vents & Chemosynthesis 


Which of the indicators is concerning? Explain your choice. 

A clear sample of water has a pH of 6, a temperature of 68 degrees fahrenheit, and a variety of living organisms. 

pH of water should ideally be 7 but can be anywhere between 6.5-8.5


Precipitation that does not permeate the ground runs off the surface quickly. It forms small streams that widen and become longer. Where does the water from these streams drain?

