Cellular Respiration
Carbon Cycle
Laws of Conservation of Mass & Energy

How do organism release oxygen into Earth’s atmosphere?

Organism's cells produce sugar and oxygen during photosynthesis 


Coach Rogers goes on a run. What do her cells do during cellular respiration?

Break down food molecules to release energy.


Which 2 of Earth's spheres are interacting during the carbon cycle in the image below?

The biosphere and the atmosphere interact during animal respiration.


Miss Butalia applies the brakes on her rollerblades and stops quickly to avoid hitting a basketball that bounces into the street.

Which of the following best explains what happens to the rollerblades kinetic energy?

It is transformed to hear because the tires and slowed by friction.


Consider the work of scientists investigating a popularly held theory. As scientists continue to investigate this particular theory, they begin to find evidence that contradicts one of the main ideas proposed by this theory. Although many previous researchers have supported the theory, the latest research definitely indicates one area of the theory is completely wrong. 

What should the researchers propose?

They should propose MODIFICATIONS to the existing theory that take into account their new discoveries. 


How do Earth's spheres interact during the process of photosynthesis?

Trees (biosphere) take in water (hydrosphere) and carbon dioxide (atmosphere) to go through photosynthesis.


True or False?

Carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular respiration in both plants and animals.

True! All organisms performing cellular respiration produce carbon dioxide as a product. 


Kayonna plants flower seeds and places caterpillar larvae in a sealed container with enough light, soil, moisture, and gases to thrive. When she opens the container after 5 days, she finds that the flowers have sprouted, and caterpillars have eaten some of their leaves. 

If it was possible to measure the carbon content of every part of this closed container before and after Kendall performed her experiment, what would Kendall find? 

*Think about the Law of Conservation of Energy & of Mass!

The total amount of carbon was constant throughout the experiment, 


Why are elements, such as carbon and oxygen, that are used in organic molecules not permanently removed from the environment?

Because they are cycled through the ecosystem.

True or False? 

Laws describe the events that occur in nature under certain conditions, while theories explain how nature works.


Laws describe the events that occur in nature under certain conditions, while theories explain how nature works.


Name the process that plants, green algae, and some bacteria undergo to capture energy from the sun and use it to make food and maintain homeostasis.



Which process is represented by the arrow in the diagram below?



Miss Butalia needs an image to represent the carbon cycle for a poster in her classroom. She has the following diagrams to choose from

Which diagram would best represent the carbon cycle and why?

Model D would be the best for the carbon cycle because the carbon cycle is a flow of matter which can take different paths bringing carbon back to the same place.


In the food web, what does the arrow between the ferns and insects represent?

Energy in the fern being transferred to the insect.


A well-supported and widely accepted explanation of nature is called....

a scientific theory.


Equation below shows process of photosynthesis

Describe how the process of photosynthesis follows both the Laws of Conservation of Mass and of Energy  

The process of photosynthesis follows both the Laws of Conservation of Mass & of Energy because the number of atoms stays the same throughout the reaction, and the energy present at the start is the same as the energy at the end. 

(The atoms are just rearranged, and the energy is transferred)


A swing hangs motionless when left alone. Pulling it back or pushing it forward will get it moving. The swing eventually stops moving unless it is pulled or pushed again.

Why does the swing become motionless once there is no longer a push or pull?

With each swing, friction causes the energy of motion to be transformed into heat energy, stopping the swing.


Sierra is asked to demonstrate how carbon travels from the atmosphere to living organisms, then back to the atmosphere. 

1. She draws a diagram showing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere being taken in by a plant. 

2. An animal then consumes the carbon dioxide in the plant, uses it as a source of energy, then

3. exhales, returning the carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

What step in this diagram needs to be corrected?

Step 2. Animals do not use carbon dioxide as an energy source; they use sugars.


The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it is transferred or transformed from one form to another. Therefore, one cannot make energy, nor can they get rid of it based on this scientific law. 

Why can this scientific law never become a scientific theory? (Aka, what is the difference between a law & a theory?)

The law of conservation of energy provides a description of a scientific phenomenon but does not provide an explanation of such phenomenon.


Both animal and plant cells have mitochondria to produce energy for the cell. Plant cells also have chloroplasts to assist with creating energy. 

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria work together to create energy in a plant cell? 

*Think about function of chloroplast in the process of photosynthesis & the function of mitochondria in the process of cellular respiration. 

Chloroplasts use the sun's energy to create sugar and mitochondria to turn sugar into usable energy.


State the reactants and products of photosynthesis.

Reactants: carbon dioxide, water, sunlight [energy]

Products: sugar [glucose] & oxygen 


What is needed in order for cellular respiration to occur?

Oxygen & glucose [glucose=sugar]


What's happening at step 1?

Animals are breaking down organic molecules and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


Ms. Swoch set up a mini ecosystem in an aquarium. The ecosystem included organisms that interact in a terrestrial food web. At the base of the food web are photosynthetic plants. She then carried out an investigation using her model ecosystem. She kept the ecosystem from receiving any light for 2 weeks. What do you predict Ms. Swoch's results will be?

All of the organisms in the food web will be affected.


Which organelle's function is incorrect & why?

The function listed for the vacuole is incorrect because vacuoles are responsible for storing nutrients. 
