Kinetic and Potential Energy
Motion and Speed
This is the ability to cause change.
What is energy?
This is defined as speed in a specific direction.
What is velocity?
An apple hanging from a tree branch exhibits this type of energy.
What is potential energy?
This measures how fast something moves, or how far it moves in a given amount of time.
What is speed?
All objects in motion have kinetic energy. The amount of kinetic energy a moving object possesses depends on these two factors.
What are mass and speed?
The old man marched 100 kilometers in 4 days to achieve this average speed.
What is 25 kilometers per day. Average Speed = Distance/Time
Many objects have both kinetic and potential energy. For example, an airplane in flight has kinetic energy due to its movement, and potential energy because of its mass and distance from the Earth. The combination of potential and kinetic energy creates this form of energy.
What is mechanical? Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy
To achieve this average speed, the old woman ran 3 laps around a 100 meter track. Her first lap took 10 seconds. Her second lap took 20 seconds. Her third lap took 20 seconds.
What is 6 meters per second? Average Speed = Distance/Time
This law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed into other forms of energy.
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
A car is going south on I-95 at 75 mph. Another car is going north on I-95 at 75 mph. These two cars are traveling the same speed but have different ____________.
What is velocities?