Equivalent Fractions
Mixed Numbers/Fractions
Adding Fractions
< = >
List 2 equivalent fractions for 3/7
What is 6/14 9/21 12/28 30/70
Use pattern blocks to solve the problem. Write the answer as a mixed number & as an improper fraction. **A HEXAGON is worth 1** Hexagon + Hexagon + trapezoid
What is 2 1/2 and 5/2
1/8 + 3/8 = ____
What is 4/8 or 1/2 Denominators are the same, so you do not have to find an equivalent fraction for either fraction.
Choose < = > to make the number sentence true. 54/72 ______ 3/4
What is =
Explain how you would rename this fraction as a decimal and as a percent without using a calculator. 1/2
What is .50 AND 50% 2 * 5 = 10, and 10 is a multiple of 100. So 1*5 / 2*5 = 5 / 10 which is 0.5. 5*10 / 10*10 = 50/100 or 50%
Write 2 equivalent fractions for 9/10
What is 18/20 27/30 45/50 90/100
Use pattern blocks to solve the problem. Write the answer as a mixed number & as an improper fraction. **A HEXAGON is worth 1** Trapezoid + Trapezoid + Trapezoid + Rhombus + Rhombus + Rhombus + Triangle + Triangle
What is 2 5/6 AND 17/6
1/2 + 1/4 = ______ **Look Closely at the Denominators**
What is 3/4 1/2 * 2/2 = 2/4 2/4 + 1/4 = 3/4
Choose < = > to make the number sentence true. 9/8 ___ 8/9
What is >
Explain how you would rename this fraction as a decimal and as a percent without using a calculator. 7/20
What is .35 AND 35% 20 * 5 = 100 So 7*5 / 20*5 = 35 / 100 which is 0.35 or 35%
Write 2 equivalent fractions for 6/9
What is 2/3 12/18 18/27 60/90
Use pattern blocks to solve the problem. Write the answer as a mixed number & as an improper fraction. **A HEXAGON is worth 1** Trapezoid + Trapezoid + Trapezoid + Rhombus + Rhombus + Rhombus +Triangle + Triangle
What is 2 5/6 AND 17/6
3/4 + 1/2 = ____
What is 5/4 or 1 1/4 1/2 * 2*2 = 2/4 3/4 + 2/4 = 5/4 OR (1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4) + (1/4 + 1/4) (1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4) + (1/4) = 4/4 or 1 + 1/4 remaining
Choose < = > to make the number sentence true. 2/4 _____ 9/12
What is <
Explain how you would rename this fraction as a decimal and as a percent without using a calculator. 9/25
What is .36 AND 36% 25 * 4 = 100 So 9*4 / 25*4 = 36 / 100 which is 0.36 or 36%
Write 2 equivalent fractions for 1/2.
What is 2/4 3/6 4/8 5/10 6/12 7/14 8/16 50/100
Use pattern blocks to solve the problem. Write the answer as a mixed number & as an improper fraction. **A HEXAGON is worth 1** Trapezoid + Trapezoid + Rhombus + Rhombus + Rhombus +Triangle + Triangle + Triangle
What is 2 1/6 AND 13/6
9/10 + 1/2 = ___
What is 1/2 * 5*5 = 5/10 9/10 + 5/10 = 14/10 OR (1 4/10) OR (1 2/5) 14/10 - 10/10 or 1 = 4/10 4 can be divided by 2 = 2 10 can be divided by 2 = 5
Choose < = > to make the number sentence true. 2/6 ___ 20/60
What is =
Explain how you would rename this fraction as a decimal and as a percent without using a calculator. 3/4
What is .75 AND 75% 4 * 25 = 100 So 3*25 / 4*25 = 75 / 100 which is 0.75 or 75%
To find an equivalent fraction, _______ OR ______ both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by the same number.
What is multiply OR divide
Use pattern blocks to solve the problem. Write the answer as a mixed number & as an improper fraction. **A HEXAGON is worth 1** Hexagon + Trapezoid + Trapezoid + Triangle + Triangle + Triangle + Triangle
What is 2 4/6 AND 16/6 OR 2 2/3 AND 8/3
Add the two fractions. Write the answer as a fraction, decimal, and percent. 7/20 + 3/5 = ___
What is 95/100 and .95 and 95% 20*5 = 100 7/20 * 5/5 = 35/100 5*20 = 100 3/5 * 20/20 = 60/100 35/100 + 60/100 = 95/100 and .95 and 95%
Choose < = > to make the number sentence true. 9/4 ____ 4/4 + 4/4 + 1/2
What is <
Explain how you would rename this fraction as a decimal and as a percent without using a calculator. 2/5
What is .40 AND 40% 5 * 2 = 10, and 10 is a multiple of 100. So 2*2 / 5*2 = 4 / 10 which is 0.4. 4*10 / 10*10 = 40/100 or 40%