Great Depression
New Deal Programs
The Dust Bowl
Stock Market Crash (1929)
Presidential Policies
Read the following events: ●  Major drought conditions in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas  ●  Large numbers of bank failures ●  Widespread unemployment ●  Expanded role of the federal government The events below happened in what time period (Hint: Say 1800s etc)
What is the 1930s?
Which government agency, established during the Great Depression, still protects consumer savings today?
What is Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
Identify the 3 major causes for the Dust Bowl in the (1930s)?
What is (1) overgrazing, (2) drought, and (3) dry-farming?
What is the rapid economic expansion, where manufactures were soon producing more goods than they could sell before the Great Depression?
What is overproduction?
What is the name of the plan created by President FDR that to promised to put Americans back to work during the Great Depression?
What is "the New Deal"?
What was the day and year that the NY Stock Market Crashed?
What is October 29, 1929?
What is the Social Security Act of 1935 under FDR's New Deal Program?
What is provided workers with unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and insurance if they died early?
What was the name of the famous novel and author who wrote about the conditions of people in the Dust Bowl (1930s)?
What is The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck?
Before the Great Depression, people began buying stocks hoping to get rich quickly. What is the name of the idea?
What is speculation?
What was the main purpose of President Hoover's Reconstruction Finance Corporation during the Great Depression?
What is gave emergency loans to banks and business?:
What is event that signaled the beginning of the Great Depression (give date)?
What is the New York Stock Market Crash?
What was the name of the program under the New Deal that that built 21 government-owned dames along the Tennessee River, controlling floods and electricity?
What is Tennessee Valley Authority?
What was the name of the act that deported more than half a million Mexican American were forcibly sent back to Mexico during the depression?
What is the Mexican Repatriation Act?
What is the name of idea when people during the 1920s could make a down-payment for a stock and make small payments (similar to buying in credit)?
What is buying on margin?
What is the name of the agency created by FDR under that New Deal that created federal jobs by building public projects, such as schools, roads?
What is Public Works Administration?
What is the name of the act that was created during the Great Depression (1929), the act in which US raised tariffs over imported goods?
What is Smoot-Hawley Tariff?
What was the main purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps (1933) under the New Deal?
What is gave jobs to young men, such as planting trees and cleaning up forests?
What is the name given to a person who goes from one place to another especially a farm laborer who harvests crops seasonally?
What is migrant?
What did President FDR's New Deal program stood for? (Hint: 3 R's)
What is “Relief, Reform, and Recovery”?
What was the name given to shanty towns of the homeless and unemployed in the outskirts of cities during the Depression?
What is Hoovervilles?
What kind of changes to American society were the defining issues of both the Great Depression and the New Deal? 1. Economic issues 2. Artistic issues 3. Chronological issues 4. Geographical issues
What is Economic issues?
In 1937, President FDR feared that the Supreme Court would declare his New Deal legislation unconstitutional. He believed that he needed to add a new appointment to the Court with as many justices as possible. What is the name given to this tactic used by FDR?
What is "court packing"?
During the Dust Bowl, what state did the majority of migrants of the Great Plains move?
What is California?
What is the name of the famous photographer who depicted the daily struggles of people during the depression?
Who is Dorothea Lange?
What is the name of the central bank of the U.S. that regulates the printing and distribution of money and financial system?
What is Federal Reserve System?